먼 친척보다 가까운 이웃이 낫다
is-distant-PART relative-THAN is-near-PART neighbor-SUBJ is-better
A nearby neighbor is better than a faraway relative.
I’m not able to think of an equivalent English proverb off the top of my head, but this one is pretty straightforward. I guess all my relatives are pretty faraway.
Day: January 9, 2013
Caveat: Ken’s Hair
Teacher: "How are you today?"
Student: "Fine!"
Teacher: "Good."
Student: "Very fine!"
Teacher: "Really? Why?"
Student, laughing: "Because of Ken's haircut."
Ken is a co-teacher of mine. Apparently his haircut made my student's day. It got her speaking at above-level English competence and confidence, at the least.