Caveat: Links #121

Here are some links I found interesting- with minimal comment.

An illustration from the internet.


A quote.

“Asking you to give me equal rights implies that they are yours to give. Instead, I must demand that you stop trying to deny me the rights all people all people deserve.” – Elizabeth Peratrovich

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Caveat: Links #120

Here are some links I found interesting- with minimal comment.

An illustration from the internet.


A quote.

“In any fundamentally evolution-driven system, diversity is the most important feature if you want that system to be resilient over time. So in the context of human society and its embeddedness in the wider ecosystem, diversity is the characteristic to be maximized: not just human genotypic diversity, but cultural diversity too.” – this was my own half-developed thought

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Caveat: Links #116

Here are some links I found interesting- with minimal comment.

An illustration from the internet.


A quote.

“Let the mind of men be blind to what is to be. May those who fear be permitted to hope.” – Lucian

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Caveat: Links #114

Here are some links I found interesting- with minimal comment.

An illustration from the internet.


A quote.

“I once almost choked to death while eating food. I did my own research and discovered that I am not alone. Thousands of people choke every year while eating, and hundreds of those people die. That’s why I don’t feed my kids. Its dangerous. Now plenty of people will point out that food supposedly “prevents starvation,” and that might be true, but Its not fair to  completely ignore all the dangers food poses, like choking, allergies, gingivitis, and garlic breath. I’m just saying, do your own research and decide what you think is best for your kids. If you choose to give your kids potentially deadly food, that’s your problem, but as a parent, I don’t think the government has any right to tell me that I need to feed my kids.” – Gordon Scott

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Caveat: Links #113

Here are some links I found interesting- with minimal comment.

  • Cup runneth over
  • Substack is horrible. I already knew this. Just to be clear – I sporadically read 100s of blogs on the substack platform. Because that’s where many of the good blogs are, these days. But you will never see me give a dollar to anyone through the substack platform. If I really like someone who publishes on substack, and want to donate to support them, I find alternate pathways to donate.

An illustration from the internet.


A quote.

“Remember, if you’re ever feeling down, free will means you can just eat a whole block of cheese anytime you want.”

A stray thought.

I feel like most people believe very strange things about sleeping surfaces. I sleep on the actual floor – the hard floor, with just a blanket under me – and I have no issues with it. It works fine. Humans didn’t evolve to sleep on mattresses. ‘Big Mattress’ has everyone hoodwinked. Is this a conspiracy theory?

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Caveat: Links #111

Here are some links I found interesting- with minimal comment.

An illustration from the internet.


A quote.

“The kids might still do yoga and say namaste, and they still think there’s a universal consciousness that’s ultimately identical with their own self—but they’re no longer interested in renouncing desire or achieving union with the divine. They don’t want to escape the material world. They don’t want enlightenment. They are driving their bodies like cars, and they have no interest in getting out.” – Sam Kriss

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Caveat: Links #108

Here are some links I found interesting- with minimal comment.

An illustration from the internet.


A quote.

“어째서 사람이 이 모양인가” – South Korean Conference of Catholic Priests, in response to the recent failed auto-golpe by president Yoon [“How can a person be like this”]

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Caveat: Links #107

Here are some links I found interesting- with minimal comment.

An illustration from the internet.


A quote.

“Craig, Alaska: Where everything is a little bit half-assed!” – G. Klein, a local booster in my town.

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Caveat: Links #105

Here are some links I found interesting- with minimal comment.

An illustration from the internet.


A quote.

“we’re all on our own journeys and as you read these words you bring your unique self and have unique thoughts and feelings, really these words do little, what you’re experiencing is mostly a performance, a show that your brain puts on, just once, just for you, I hope you’re paying attention.” – blogger who goes by “dynomite”


We’re having a very traditional day-after-Thanksgiving, here at Juli and Keith’s. Keith is watching football. Juli and Karen are making pies. Wayne is … being Wayne. Watching videos on his iPad. Though he and I took a walk down to the river this morning. We saw some salmon. Wayne wished he had his fishing gear with him.

Blackberry pie:


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Caveat: Links #102

Here are some links I found interesting- with minimal comment.

An illustration from the internet.


A quote.

“Here’s a proposition: It all depends on language. Society, civilization, democracy, the entire collective project depends on the quality of our thought and expression, our ability to put words to the reality of a thing.” – Ben Fountain

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Caveat: Links #101

Here are some links I found interesting- with minimal comment.

An illustration from the internet (or rather, MY internet).


A quote.

“Those who build walls are their own prisoners. I am going to go fulfill my proper function in the social organism. I’m going to go unbuild walls.” – Ursula K. Le Guin, The Dispossessed

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Caveat: Links #100

Here are some links I found interesting- with minimal comment.

An illustration from the internet.


A quote.

“Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.” – HL Mencken

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Caveat: Links #98

Here are some links I found interesting- with minimal comment.

An illustration from the internet.


A quote.

“Cumulative cultural evolution requires both the conservative impulse to imitate and the progressive impulse to tinker. These two processes — imitation and innovation — make up the ratcheting effect by which complex cultural products (e.g., institutions, practices, technologies, etc.) evolve over time.” – Brett Andersen

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Caveat: Links #97

Here are some links I found interesting- with minimal comment.

An illustration from the internet.


A quote.

“There is significant overlap between the smartest bear and the dumbest human.” – a US park ranger, on the issue of trying to bear-proof trash cans in national parks.

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Caveat: Links #96

Here are some links I found interesting- with minimal comment.

An illustration from the internet.


Two quotes.

“Stupidity is the same as evil if you judge by the results.” – Margaret Atwood

“The purpose of a system is what it does.” – Stafford Beer

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Caveat: Links #95

Here are some links I found interesting- without comment.

An illustration from the internet.


A quote.

“What kind of man would put a known criminal in charge of a major branch of government? Apart from, say, the average voter.” ~ Terry Pratchett

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Caveat: Links #94

Here are some links I found interesting- without comment.

An illustration from the internet.


A quote.

“Let not any one pacify his conscience by the delusion that he can do no harm if he takes no part, and forms no opinion. Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing. He is not a good man who, without a protest, allows wrong to be committed in his name, and with the means which he helps to supply, because he will not trouble himself to use his mind on the subject.” – John Stuart Mill

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Caveat: Links #92

Here are some links I found interesting- without comment.

An illustration from the internet.


A quote.

“The great trouble with religion – any religion – is that a religionist, having accepted certain propositions by faith, cannot thereafter judge those propositions by evidence. One may bask at the warm fire of faith or choose to live in the bleak uncertainty of reason – but one cannot have both.” – Robert A. Heinlein

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Caveat: Links #89

Here are some links I found interesting- without comment.

An illustration from the internet.


A quote.

“Desire is, by nature, childlike and chary of government. The day we begin to qualify it by the righteousness of its political content is the day we begin to prescribe some desires and prohibit others. That way lies moralism only.” – Andrea Long Chu

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