Caveat: can it be fixed?

I spent way too much time this morning trying to fix my coffee maker. I feel like maybe my role at the gift shop, this past year, as “Jared can fix anything,” is spilling over to my home life.

One of two little plastic pegs had broken off inside my coffee maker. The pegs support the hot plate that is at the bottom of the unit.

And the household supply of superglue was superannuated and entirely solidified – not useful.

So I improvised. I made some wooden shims which I attached with well-folded strips of duct tape.

It seems to work.

Caveat: Tree #1043

This tree failed to express gratitude.
I went to Wayne and Donna’s (the gift shop owners) for an unconventional thanksgiving dinner of ribs and potatoes. They are in a stressful time – they are leaving for Seattle in the next few days, where Donna is scheduled for tumor-removing surgery. Which is something I can sympathize with.

picture[daily log: walking, 2km]

Caveat: Tree #1042

This tree sheltered a deer by the road (lower left).

picture[daily log: walking, 3.5km; retailing, 6hr]

Caveat: Time-traveling logistics

Yesterday at work, I got an email notification announcing the delivery of a package to the store (as one does). The thing is, no package had been delivered, and one wasn’t delivered later that day, either. Actually, this isn’t uncommon – when UPS “delivers” a package to our store, they are actually delivering it to a third-party company that covers the last 30 miles from Ketchikan to the island, because UPS doesn’t actually deliver to the island. They let the floatplane company, Taquan Air, handle those last miles. All well and good.

What was disturbing (or interesting?) about the email announcement in this case was, rather, the fact that although the email was delivered at 10:16 AM, the package was allegedly delivered (past tense, was) at 3:42 PM.  That means that somehow, the notification had arrived via email from the future! “Wow, if UPS has solved that one, they can’t be stopped,” I mused.


Caveat: Definitely take the tram

I found this story hugely amusing, and thought-provoking too.

There’s a lot of context required to make sense of this story. The author, John Holbo, a philosopher whose bloggings I frequently read on the group-blog Crooked Timber, explains much of that context in a supplemental webpage – so I’ll not make any major duplicative effort here.

The minimal context: the story is a parody of (or extension/sequel to) Ursula Le Guin’s story, “The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas”. Without knowing that story, you will be hard put to begin to make sense of Holbo’s creation. Unfortunately, as he points out too, there is no freely accessible web version of her story – it’s still under copyright and requires purchasing a version of the text (ebook, paper book, audiobook). Anyway, wikipedia has a good summary.

I am tempted to add a town called Omelas to my fictional maps – and it should definitely be accessible by tram. Actually, my geofictions are full of such “easter eggs” (as they’re called in the realm of modern electronic-domain creative works, such as computer games and websites): references to other works of fiction and tributes to other authors’ geofictions.


Caveat: Tree #1038

This tree was there as the rain turned to snow turned to rain turned to snow ↻ ↻ ↻ …

This morning I watched Art board a plane on his way to Portland for Thanksgiving. “Bye, Art.”


Then I worked at the giftshop all day. “Buy art.”

picture[daily log: walking, 3km; retailing, 8hr]

Caveat: Tree #1036

This tree was all gloomy-doomy in the morning gloaming, up on the hillside.

picture[daily log: walking, 1km; opportunistic napping, 3hr]

Caveat: Boost or bust

Art and I went to SEARHC (the local clinic in Klawock) this morning and got Moderna boosters (3rd doses) vs Covid. This is partly because Art is traveling down to Portland for Thanksgiving, and Juli (at his destination) requested that he do it if at all possible. But I wanted to do it too. I feel strongly that it’s the right thing to do, having faith in the scientific “establishment” – such as it is. With so much cynicism and anti-vax attitude about (especially up here), I wanted to “vote with my feet” on this issue.


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