ㅁ and then when things start going badly you start to imagine worse things a grim acceleration towards doom and despair with gnashing of teeth spiteful rages burn it all to the ground
– a nonnet.
ㅁ and then when things start going badly you start to imagine worse things a grim acceleration towards doom and despair with gnashing of teeth spiteful rages burn it all to the ground
– a nonnet.
ㅁ Women-fearing fetus-worshippers arose and took over the church; this heresy spawned others: they lay down with mammon, disrespected laws, bore false witness, distrusted children, lied.
– a nonnet.
ㅁ I've lived in third world countries, before. Places corrupt, falling apart, and where the social contract doesn't work very well. So on that viewpoint, I've changed countries, not having to leave home.
– a nonnet.
ㅁ I spotted a spider on the wall. "Hey smol spider, what's going on?" In my mind's eye, it looked back, and said, "I have no clue! I'm jus' walking here, and some giant annoys me, asking stuff."
– a nonnet.
ㅁ Seven pieces of ice floated by, out there on the fiordy sea's arm. Seems they'd been liberated from the racing river that seethes at the head of our small bay, fleeing down, seaward, free.
– a nonnet.
ㅁ I just had a strange dream (or nightmare): I was looking for some chopsticks. I committed many crimes: breaking and entering deception and fraud ransoming folks. In the end, I found none.
– a nonnet.
ㅁ I have a kind of hypothesis: our slow descent into madness begins with ill-managed rage. Anger is turned inward and gnaws on the brain. Pathways are wrought or broken. No good's left.
– a nonnet.
ㅁ I think that if I wasn't bound here by confucian obligation (I speak slightly tongue-in-cheek) - if I was without ties - I'd once again move off overseas to somewhere with rules, calm.
– a nonnet.
ㅁ In mid-winter the mice become bold. One was on our kitchen counter. She met my eyes and pondered this territorial invasion witnessed. "Please leave me now," she implored, "to my crumbs."
– a nonnet.
ㅁ I have been sleeping badly these days. At two AM I jolt awake, and dreams scatter like stray cats. Then I remain alert for an hour or two. The dreams creep back, nestle close, demand time.
– a nonnet.
ㅁ The road was coated in snow and ice. But the still air was cold enough that it was not slippery. Tendrils rose from the sea. On my drive to town, some ravens sat alongside watching things.
– a nonnet.
ㅁ These antipodean roosters crow (anticipate the rising sun), just the same as those back home. Here, wallabies listen (I have to assume). Whereas it's bears who hear them (maybe), there.
– a nonnet.
ㅁ "Dwight was NOT a nice man," she declared. It burst up through her dementia, a complete non sequitur. "Such a horrible man." Dwight was her father - my grandfather. Long ago he'd done wrong.
– a nonnet.
ㅁ Of course the birds make strange noises, here... like in some Hollywood jungle. And the wallabies watch you. They seem quite uncertain. The driveway is rough, with giant humps. I walk down, alone. Dusk.
– a nonnet.
ㅁ I start my poems with too many words. A jumble of semantic cruft. In need of painful trimming. Gradually, I cut. They fall down, broken. Bits of meaning, discarded. What's left? Noun.
– a nonnet.
ㅁ I start awake to a sudden sound. Well, rather, the sound's memory... the sound was a dreamed event. Still, it made me sit up. Awake, in moonlight. What kind of sound? A plonking. Unknown cause.
– a nonnet.
ㅁ We need to discuss the roadside grass, that grows beside my daily drive. The grass seems unimportant: green, perhaps non-native. But as winter comes, with heavy rains, it turns gold, flaxen, pale.
– a nonnet.
ㅁ The economy can keep growing, even if we run out of stuff. Like a currency unit in, e.g., Zimbabwe, it is unbounded. Reality a canvas for our hopes.
– a nonnet.
ㅁ Really I'm just an alien here. The people gathered around me are remote, unknowable. But they all feel the same. At least, I guess so. They, too, wonder: what is this? Why here? Now?
– a nonnet.
ㅁ The architect was antisocial. She suggested that the problem lay with everyone else. She was arrogant, too. "The people don't know how genius manifests around us."
– a nonnet.
ㅁ The world constructed an architect, placed her beside other beings, awaited her creations. Fantastic towers rose, and deep labyrinths, were then inscribed in waiting, empty fields.
– a nonnet.
ㅁ The scene unfolded along the trail: 8 beer cans, and a broken thing (looked like some kind of motor) along the barbed-wire fence. What had happenned here? A mechanic, in despair... drinking, sad.
– a nonnnet.
ㅁ I knew this trip would prove difficult - meaning, on emotional terms. As a trip, it's relaxing. But Arthur's dementia is now foregrounded by circumstance. Denial becomes hard.
– a nonnnet.
ㅁ What? Untrue. That's not me. I'm not like that. I'm perfectly fine. Other people get it. So stop all this crazy talk, when have I ever forgotten any single thing you've said to me?
– a reverse nonnet.
ㅁ I prefer well-managed ignorance, all tame and cooperative. The rebel stupidity is really hard to bear. It's harder to care. Revolution: nerve-wracking anger, fear.
– a nonnet.
#Poetry #Nonnet
ㅁ The fa is over - now we face fo. Which is to say, simply: fa, fo. Or, having fa'ed, now we fo. It's like a litte song. One group sings the fa; the chorus, fo. Back and forth. Fa. Fo. Fuh.
– a nonnet.
ㅁ of course it's only my opinion fear-the-other trumps compassion ignorance's bliss tastes best let's all catastrophize freedom weighs too much as a hermit i retreat pile up stones
– a nonnet.
ㅁ nights surpass the dull days... elegiac, oneiric transits across stochastic space, full of windings, ergodic retrogressions into instants that fade like aimless bursts of color
– a reverse nonnet.
ㅁ Fall is the season when mice sneak in. The temperatures drop, outside. Everything gets rained on. Summer's berries are gone. The warm house beckons. What's not to like? Some crumbs left. It seems... Safe?
– a nonnet.
ㅁ Assertions of luminosity: the moon proffers her axioms. To wit: autumnal changes, after the equinox, include stormy gales, driving downpours, lost rainbows, blowing leaves.
– a nonnet.
ㅁ the sneaky snake entered the garden hopped up on his self-deceptions like a chatbot on prozac and gave his wanton pitch elevator-style to the kids there this one girl succumbed crashed
– a nonnet.
ㅁ I made secret, unknowable poems. Crafted with pure banalities, they occupied remote screens, distant from daily life. These were words for fate: disquisitions against time; perfect rants.
– a nonnet.
ㅁ I dreamed that Arthur became possessed by some remodeling demon. So while I was gone at work, He began adding things - random additions - to his odd house: stray basements, towers, leaks.
– a nonnet.