Caveat: Poem #2852 “Crossing the Pacific”

Bands of purple line the sky up here 
beside our flight; below, Japan.
We'll leave the sun behind us,
and now insert ourselves, 
stealthy, like angels,
into the east
and darkness
and then

Well, somewhere just south of Kamchatka,
I opted to boldly declare
a new, liminal approach:
an opposition to
of sentience,
and instead,

Later, over the Aleutian chain,
there arose feelings of regret.
Baroque significations
unfurled their abstractions.
meanings were lost;
nothing left,
I sought 

– a poem made of 3 nonnets enchained.

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Caveat: wallabye

Wallabies waving g’bye at the top of mom’s driveway as I depart back down to Cairns, to reverse my journey back to an island in Southeast Alaska, via Seoul, Seattle, Ketchikan.


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Caveat: the highest town

We were in the nearest town, stopped at library and to handle some in-home healthcare bureaucracy. This is the town visitor center, allegedly Ravenshoe is the highest elevation town in all Queensland. The library a more modern building is behind.


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Caveat: a sunny afternoon

My mom’s driveway on a sunny afternoon. We went to doctor and shopping today with her excellent assistant (home helper / friend), Tasha. Driving to Atherton (main town) and back takes about an hour each way.


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Caveat: 3967 days cancer free

I decided to visit my favorite place in Korea. You might think I mean this ironically, but the 국립암센터 (National Cancer Center) saved my life 11 years ago. So I feel gratitude and amazement that it is here. Yes, it is possible to feel nostalgic for a hospital.


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