Caveat: Filibusters Per Dollar

Blogger Michael J. Smith is, as usual, scathingly precise in his analysis of the alleged "filibuster reform" failure in recent US Senate activity. He writes,

It’s a question of supply and demand. If getting something through
the Senate takes sixty votes instead of fifty, the marginal vote becomes
that much more valuable.

Econ 101.

Thus none of the senators have an economic interest in surrendering the filibuster as currently practiced and configured.

Caveat: Sometimes The Subway Is Too Slow, Right?

pictureThere’s a guy in Paris who decided to try something that everyone who rides a subway must have thought at one time or another… and he beats the train to the next station, on foot.

It’s a stunt, obviously. But he captures it with some cameras (including two strapped to his head), and it’s been posted on youtube.

I think this should be a new sport, as suggested by the Atlantic Cities post where I learned of this.

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