Caveat: Pie Story

My student Harry reviews the movie “Life of Pi” which he apparently saw. I enjoyed the novel, but based on this 5th grader’s review, I’m feeling uncertain about wanting to see the movie.

At 9:30, I went to the theather. and we watched pie story [Life of Pi]. But this movie is very not fun. so I’m very disappointed. After I’m going to the karaoke. and I’m sing a song very hard. Then I returned home. and my mother made a muffin. so I’m very happy.

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Caveat: The Ascent of Zombiekind

This is pretty clever. In my notes for this, I called it “Zombies darwinizing,” which I thought could be the blog post title, but I didn’t use that.


This was found on a tumblr called xwidep. I have realized something: I look at tumblr a lot – but I don’t understand it. I guess it’s basically a blogging platform, but it seems to work differently from the blogging platform I use for This Here Blog Thingy™.

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