Caveat: The chocolate thief

We are settling back into routines in Rockpit, Alaska (Arthur’s name for our “neighborhood” at 8-9 mile Port Saint Nick Rd).

Yesterday Arthur and I had a doctor’s appointment at SEARHC (the main clinic on the island), with his GP. Arthur has been complaining of an occasionally severe jaw/ear ache, since last week down in Oregon. So we got it checked out, plus doing a follow-up on the visit with audiologists down there.

The doctor’s prognosis, based on some looking around and poking and prodding, is that it’s likely just arthritis (of the jaw). Anyway, there’s no evidence of infection or dental problems, so that’s good. Given Arthur suffers severe arthritis in other parts (shoulders, knees, etc.) this makes sense to me. But Arthur clearly isn’t happy about it when it flares up. Arthur is a person who I associate with “stoic disregard” for personal discomfort, so seeing Arthur as someone who increasingly complains of pains and frustrations is very difficult for me – and often there’s very little I can do, anyway, so it’s doubly frustrating.

Since getting the new hearing aids (that actually work pretty well), I’ve noticed a new, difficult pattern: when he’s wearing them, he quickly becomes grumpy, more easily frustrated, even lashing out in anger. After having his hearing aids in during the doctor visit yesterday, he accused me of removing (stealing?) his chocolate (which he keeps stockpiled in his bag that he carries). This is one of those moments of distrust that are very painful for me to experience. “Why would I take your chocolote?” I protested. “You probably ate it or misplaced it.” He became quite angry. “It’s not here.”

When I was able to stop the car, I pulled open his bag and literally pulled out a bar of chocolate almost effortlessly – he often has several stashed in multiple pockets of the bag. He seemed offended, as if I’d pulled some kind of unfair magic trick on him. “Where was that?!”

“Just here, in the bag,” I indicated the pocket I’d pulled it out of. He flounced angrily and was silent for the rest of the time in town.

This is very difficult for me. I keep saying that. Well anyway.

In other news, my mom is apparently doing okay down in the nursing home. We get encouraging messages from her friends, often. I like that. Unfortunately, some bad news on the bureaucratic side, on that front. Seems that my mom’s social security payments – which she gets as a US citizen (she has dual citizenship), deposited directly to her bank account each month – have stopped. I can’t help but wonder at the timing of this, given the current musking about in the US Treasury. Sigh.

The store is quite overwhelming to me. I have to get “caught up” on the framing projects, move forward with bookkeeping transitioning to our new accountant, and continue to stay on top of inventory and other expenses while trying to at least break even during the slowest period of the year. I’m not sure I’m constitutionally cut out to be a business owner.

I’m hoping it DOESN’T warm up this weekend, too much – because that will make our road slippery and unpleasant to drive. Just cold ice and packed snow at -5 C or lower is easy to drive on.

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Caveat: Tune out even more efficiently

One thing that’s always puzzled me about Arthur, with his incipient deafness and his difficulty with interaction: he still listens constantly to his little audiobooks, on his circa mid-2000’s Apple iPod Nano. In the times when I’ve overheard, it’s always the same books – over and over. The mystery is that given his apparent deafness and difficulty understanding, I don’t quite get what he’s getting out of them. I feel like it’s just some kind of reassurance and a way to “tune out” the confusing external reality.

We got his new hearing aids and had a new hearing test on Monday at the VA. It was a long and exhausting (for Arthur) appointment.

The new hearing aids have a feature that is something he’s long wanted: a nice low-tech, intuitive way to listen to his audiobooks through the hearing aids directly. He can just plug the physical audiojack into a little dedicated dongle, and it works “automagically.”

There’s an unanticipated problem, though – for me, not for him. For me, with his old way of listening to audiobooks, with the distinctive white Apple corded earbuds dangling from his ears, I had a nice easy way to tell whether he was “tuned out” or not. This could impact the strategies I needed to use to make myself heard and understood. Now, as he listens through his hearing aids, I have no way of knowing when he’s tuned out. And it makes a BIG difference in terms of being able to get through to him. And bearing in mind, regardless of whether he listens through ear buds or through his hearing aids, he’s often quite reluctant to turn off his audiobooks – he wants to multitask and somehow carry on his conversation and still keep listening. This rarely goes well. Then you have to ask him to turn off his audiobook – and that makes him annoyed and grumpy, which changes the way communication proceeds, too.

Generally speaking, communication with Arthur continues to become increasingly fraught and frustrating, in other words.

Life goes on. I’m pleased that the VA didn’t try to force us into any follow-up appointments. One revelation from the new hearing test: the audiologist is confident that much of Arthur’s hearing loss is the result of damage to the middle ear, instead of the more typical inner ear. In one sense, this is actually good news. Damage to the middle ear is not, generally, progressive, unlike inner ear deafness. It’s a breakdown in the ear’s ability to transmit sound to from the eardrum to the inner ear. With Arthur, we could speculate that it’s due to the 40+ years of pressure changes, up and down in helicopters. I also speculate that it has to do with his infamous “performative, world-destroying sneezes” – where he sneezes in such a way as to maximize loudness and air movement through the passages in his head, and which he’s always insisted are good for him (?!).

Ah well.

Yesterday, we stayed home and I was very lazy. I spent a lot of time talking in circles with Keith, reminiscing about old times in Humboldt – times when I was a child and he and Juli were my sister’s and my babysitters. Keith is hard to understand, because his memory issues are at a level where you can end up having the same conversation 20 or 30 times, over and over. And he seems to have lost most of his verbs and nouns and names and specificity. “The place when we did the thing was good. I really liked that!” Arthur gets mad trying to make sense of him, and staggers off, disgruntled, to lie down upstairs on his guest bed.

Today I kind of want to go shopping for a new phone – to try to prevent some of the frustrations my current phone has provided, related to my failure at international roaming (In Australia last month), related to the lack of wifi-calling functionality (for coping with Juli’s home being “out of cellphone range”), etc. We’ll see – I’m not sure the phone-salespeople are going to be sufficiently reassuring regarding these functionalities to cause me to spring the big bucks to buy a new one.

More later.

A decorated tree.


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Caveat: The Oregon of our discontent

Monday morning, Cherry Grove, Oregon, 6:15 AM.

I suppose I should write something. After a week back home in Alaska, where a major snowstorm made life interesting, Arthur and I traveled to Oregon on Saturday, flying Klawock to Ketchikan to Seattle and driving a rental car down from Seattle to the exurbs west of Portland, where we always stay here.

Arthur has an appointment at the VA Hospital in Portland today. He gets all his VA care here, rather than Anchorage (which is where the VA would route us in “default” mode) because it’s easier to come here, having a nice, familiar place to stay and all that. The Portland region became Arthur’s “home” in the lower 48 because that was where the headquarters of the company he worked for was located.

Anyway, traveling with Arthur is quite difficult for me. He is exhaustingly restless when traveling – he never sits still at all, like a 6 year old on sugar: tapping his hands and feet, sighing melodramatically, shrugging and tossing his head. He is constantly anxious about stuff he feels that he’s misplaced. During the trip down: twice he panicked about having lost his walking stick (and one time he DID lose his walking stick but that time he didn’t notice, and a TSA person in Ketchikan had to help us recover it); once on the airplane he lost his ipod; once in the rental car he lost his oreos (the turned up on the floor of the car when we arrived at our destination). Each time he thinks he’s lost something, he fidgets and repeatedly opens every single zip pocket on his backpack repeatedly, for 20 or 30 minutes, before finally getting sufficiently upset to ask me where something is. Sigh. It’s stressful for me to be around, in a kind of derivative, ancilliary way.

Yesterday was a “day of rest” but it wasn’t a bad day. I worked on a jigsaw puzzle with Juli and we had a successful long-distance telephone conversation with my mom in Australia. Ann actually sounds remarkably good, and was producing coherent output – a huge improvement over how she was during her time in the hospital when I first got to Australia several weeks ago. I think the care facility, with its social interactions and reliable feeding and water-drinking schedules are really good for her.

Here is a picture looking out down the upper Tualatin valley here at Cherry Grove, in the eastern foothills of the Oregon coast range.


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Caveat: Back at Rockpit

I made it back to Alaska. But I feel weirdly alien – like the last six years of living here have meant nothing. Perhaps it’s just the exhaustion of travel – 47 hours door to door, and now unrested and jetlagged, my mood is bound to be weird and low.

And I ended up in an argument with Arthur – he accused me of messing up the television somehow. I said “How could I have done that, I haven’t been here?” He said repeatedly that he hadn’t done anything, so it had to have been me.

Sure, it was me. I came home, the TV saw me, and broke.

It seems that if Arthur missed me at all during my absence, it was primarily in that he needs someone to blame when things go wrong. This whole caregiving thing is looking brutally thankless, lately.

I cuss too much now – Australians all cuss a lot, and now I’ve picked it up. I don’t like it.

I’ve uninstalled facebook on my phone. Though I value how it helps me stay in touch with far-flung friends and family, it seems increasingly insidious as a platform for propaganda and the long-term misalignment of values. If I didn’t rely on it, too, for the store’s advertising, I’d surely delete my account completely and be done with it.

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Caveat: The Last Day

It’s Friday, about 4 AM in darkness, in Far North Queensland. I drive down the hill and fly back to Alaska today (well today, and tomorrow, and an extra in-between day that I will experience due to crossing the international dateline but isn’t actually a real day).

I did the paperwork to finalize Ann’s admission to Carinya Home (nursing / care facility) in Atherton, hopefully everything that needs to be done. Whatever remains can be done via emails and PDF’s, presumeably. We were given an actual move-in date for the permanent room (as opposed to the “respite” room she’s in right now).

It all has gone very fast, and I worry my urgency to get something done while here may have caused to make a poorly thought-out decision, or that I’ll regret, later on. I know Ann remains deeply ambivalent, to the extent she has any clear cogent awareness of what’s going on.

Here’s a sample, old-school passive aggressive mom-son interaction, turned up to 11.

Jared: I’m going to leave tomorrow.

Ann: I have mixed feelings.

Jared: *trying to stay positive as possible* That’s nice.

Ann: *classic gillidette nasty look* You stinker.

But she definitely yo-yos between despondency and a kind of forced social cheerfulness. She’s still skilled at being pleasant and friendly with others – the nursing and caretaking staff, and her close friends who managed to visit today: Gwen, Tash, Erika, Kirsten and Emma.

I convinced her to let me take her picture, so I’ll post that as a conclusion to this saga. Updates will follow as relevant, but for now and forward, she’s at the care home. She no longer navigates email, but you can try to call her (but which will be complicated because you’ll have to go through the human-operated switchboard, meaning Australian business hours, etc., etc.) or write her snail-mail letters. Reach out to me or Samara directly for her phone number or address.

I’m dreading the flight back. I feel some sense of accomplishment but no actual satisfaction or joy – it’s all been a mess that’s been navigated in ways that are disappointing to all parties. More regrets to add to the pile.

And as a brief coda, over these past two weeks, I’ve been happy to provide these posts to a broader audience by manually cross-posting to facebook each day. But! Remember that all these posts are “blog first” and my blog (now over 20 years old and continuously running) is the reliable place to find me. I despise facebook (more than ever given some recent events and developments) so I’ll go silent again on facebook soon enough. To those who feel “trapped” in the blue-bannered dystopia, remember: there are alternatives! The internet is bigger, wider and freer than the tech-overlords want you to believe.


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Caveat: It rains, it pours

It’s predawn, 4:30 AM in Far North Queensland. Someone’s rooster has a lot to say.

Yesterday was a whirlwind, emotionally.

I started the day committed to the idea of moving mom down to Regis Redlynch, the care facility in north suburban Cairns. Some intense conversations with Ann’s friends and family. Then when I went to talk to Carinya front office about early discharge from her “respite” there in Atherton, things shifted rapidly. Carinya said they looked like they might have a spot. I said, “I need a stronger word than ‘might'” but I was of course interested! Carinya had been Ann’s actual preferred location, back when she’d been “compos mentis” enough to express a preference. Further, the spot coming available will be “higher level of care” which, I think realistically, is what Ann needs at this point.

So I spent the day hanging out with Ann at Carinya and having some conversations with various people about finances, etc. Hopefully today I’ll spend mostly filling out forms and getting the paperwork in order.

Ann was in good spirits in the morning, but as the day wore on she became despondent. Partly, she’s always been a morning person anyway – I’m the same way. I get tired as the day wears on, and my mood drops. I think my mom is the same. Anyway when I left for day she was in tears again. I drove back in the dark – which I hate to do on these narrow, busy, twisty roads, and on the wrong side of the road. But I made it back to the house and fell asleep.

Here is picture of a wallaby mom (if you zoom in you can see the joey peeking out of her pouch) and of a sunset (these pictures were taken standing in the same position).



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Caveat: The awful, mean thing

It’s Tuesday night, 8 PM, in Far North Queensland. The dark falls rapidly in the tropics.

It was an emotionally horrific day, today.

But first, yesterday, since I didn’t report. Long story short: we got my mom checked into Carinya for her “respite” – a short, 3 week “sampler” at a nursing home that had been scheduled and set up BEFORE all this excitement and complication involving her fall, her stay in the hospital and my unplanned trip over here to deal with that. So despite the complications, the hospital urged us to attempt to avail ourselves of the “respite” anyway, and Carinya kept up their end of the deal. The problem, of course, is that now it is imperative (per Australian “authorities” – social services, doctors, etc) that Ann be in permanent nursing home care, but unfortunately Carinya ONLY had on offer this “respite”, with no permanent beds available.

So I’ve been shopping around for a permanent nursing home slot.

Meanwhile Ann got settled in Carinya. It’s not clear she considers it any better than the hospital – same issue with intrusive staff, same issue with not being able to just do her own thing… but that’s the whole point of being in care. The good: you’re getting care. The bad: people tell you what to do. Different people have different ways of deciding if the good outweighs the bad. It’s pretty clear that Ann feels the bad far outweighs the good. I suspect she may never change her mind about that.

This morning I had a meeting with the Centrelink people (they who denied my basic humanity on my last visit). This time I brought along an Australian (Ann’s close friend Kristen, who is Ann’s “nominee” for Centrelink since they only accept Australian citizens in that role, and which, apparently, a Power-of-Attorney fails to override). In this way, I got to have a good conversation with a friendly and competent Centrelink employee, which was refreshing.

Outcome: Ann’s finances are not much changed over the past year, and so we got about the same information as we’d managed to extract last year from them, but in a neater, more “ready-to-submit-to-care-facilities” format.

Which I immediately did. After the morning at Centrelink, I saw Ann, Kirsten and Tash at Carinya for a short time, then I raced down the hill to Redlynch (Cairns north suburbs) and interviewed with Christine there.

With the additional documentation, and a “pass” from the “clinical evaluation,” Regis Redlynch (a care facility) was ready to offer a permanent room.

Here is a picture of the actual room on offer – looking out the window. It’s not much different from the view out the window at Carinya, to be honest. A parking area and some tropical greenery beyond.


Some people have asked why I don’t post pictures of Ann on this. The reason is simple: Ann doesn’t like having her picture taken (she never has). And I’m trying to respect her boundaries in every way I am able, given they’re being violated in so many other ways.

So. With Christine’s offer in hand, I returned up the hill to Atherton, and found my mom alone in her new room at Carinya. She seemed unexpectedly lucid, so I decided that it would be as good a time as any to try to discuss with her what was happening. There was still a need to repeat the same information multiple times – it’s not much different from dealing with Arthur, in that respect.

When I told her how things were shaping up, she was, of course, heartbroken. It was never her wish to go into any kind of care. Of course, we can say that that was a very unrealistic wish. But that doesn’t change the fact that that has been her wish. But the options are limited. My understanding is that Australian social services will simply not permit her to return home – if we don’t find an option, she’ll get housed in the hospital or whatever care facility they can scrounge together, and sell her home to pay for it. This sounds drastic: it’s meant to reflect the worst-case scenario – if she had no friends, and if her overseas relatives neglected her.

Presenting her with this stark choice – remainder of days in hospital and/or state-chosen care, or, alternately, this facility in Cairns, she quite sincerely insisted she saw no difference. Neither choice was close to acceptable. “That’s so mean,” she moaned. “That’s awful.” She cried.

That was it. That’s where things stand.

I have to make the choice. It will be “on me” and “my fault” that she’s stuck in care, or I can walk away and it can be my fault for abandoning her. I get to feel guilty regardless. I’ve taken variations of both of those paths at different points in my life, many times. It’s the set up as it’s always been with my mom. Nothing new there.

So I’ll make a decision tomorrow.

Here is a picture from a turnout about halfway between Ravenshoe (my mom’s house) and Atherton (the main town, a kind of “county seat”). It’s a view out down into the valley where Atherton is, looking northward, from the heights where Ravenshoe is.


Anther small picture: did you know that the Australian state of Queensland and the US state of Alaska are almost exactly the same size, in land area?


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Caveat: Carinya Day

It’s Monday morning, 7:30 AM, in Far North Queensland. Yesterday, being Sunday, was a bit of a do-nothing day. I went and hung out with Ann at the hospital. There was a new nurse on the ward who hit it off with Ann really well, so I was mostly just off on the margins.

Today is a big day – she starts her “respite” (3 week visit) at the Carinya care facility. This is something my sister and I had set up for Ann last year, and the date just happens to coincide with this recent crisis. The hospital has urged us to take advantage of it, even though Carinya will most likely not have a permanent spot for Ann, and even though she might very well end up returning to the hospital after her stay, unless we can have something lined up for her.

I’m running a bit late, now. So more later.

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