Caveat: It rains, it pours

It’s predawn, 4:30 AM in Far North Queensland. Someone’s rooster has a lot to say.

Yesterday was a whirlwind, emotionally.

I started the day committed to the idea of moving mom down to Regis Redlynch, the care facility in north suburban Cairns. Some intense conversations with Ann’s friends and family. Then when I went to talk to Carinya front office about early discharge from her “respite” there in Atherton, things shifted rapidly. Carinya said they looked like they might have a spot. I said, “I need a stronger word than ‘might'” but I was of course interested! Carinya had been Ann’s actual preferred location, back when she’d been “compos mentis” enough to express a preference. Further, the spot coming available will be “higher level of care” which, I think realistically, is what Ann needs at this point.

So I spent the day hanging out with Ann at Carinya and having some conversations with various people about finances, etc. Hopefully today I’ll spend mostly filling out forms and getting the paperwork in order.

Ann was in good spirits in the morning, but as the day wore on she became despondent. Partly, she’s always been a morning person anyway – I’m the same way. I get tired as the day wears on, and my mood drops. I think my mom is the same. Anyway when I left for day she was in tears again. I drove back in the dark – which I hate to do on these narrow, busy, twisty roads, and on the wrong side of the road. But I made it back to the house and fell asleep.

Here is picture of a wallaby mom (if you zoom in you can see the joey peeking out of her pouch) and of a sunset (these pictures were taken standing in the same position).



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