I made it back to Alaska. But I feel weirdly alien – like the last six years of living here have meant nothing. Perhaps it’s just the exhaustion of travel – 47 hours door to door, and now unrested and jetlagged, my mood is bound to be weird and low.
And I ended up in an argument with Arthur – he accused me of messing up the television somehow. I said “How could I have done that, I haven’t been here?” He said repeatedly that he hadn’t done anything, so it had to have been me.
Sure, it was me. I came home, the TV saw me, and broke.
It seems that if Arthur missed me at all during my absence, it was primarily in that he needs someone to blame when things go wrong. This whole caregiving thing is looking brutally thankless, lately.
I cuss too much now – Australians all cuss a lot, and now I’ve picked it up. I don’t like it.
I’ve uninstalled facebook on my phone. Though I value how it helps me stay in touch with far-flung friends and family, it seems increasingly insidious as a platform for propaganda and the long-term misalignment of values. If I didn’t rely on it, too, for the store’s advertising, I’d surely delete my account completely and be done with it.