When I posted yesterday that I had renewed for another year, several people commented to me in one medium or another that I seemed to be being a bit masochistic in doing this. That's not true at all. If you read this blog, of course there are some complaints about one thing or another. But I don't think there is an overall negativity to this blog. Is there?
The facts: this is the best job I've ever had. Even the best job has challenges, hard or frustating days, whatever. But teaching, in general, is the first career (of my dozen or so careers) where I end my day, on average, happier than I start it. So if I can combine that with a non-psychotic boss and being in a country and city and culture that I've grown to really like, if only as an outsider, and this makes for a pretty good job.
"The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or hostile universe." – Albert Einstein.
Without being theistic, I definitely believe we live in a friendly universe. Call it a weird sort of "stealth" optimism.
[Daily log: walking, 4 km; running, 4 km]