Caveat: Yet More Premium Procrastination

So after all the procrastination associated with renewing my visa, I thought I'd have a break from the procrastination-guilt after it finally got renewed.

Unfortunately, I've found a new thing to procrastinate on – I have to go get a medical check-up / drug-screening, now – it's a requirement for the provincial education office for all hagwon teachers (not just foreign ones). I have to go to a hospital and get the screening, but I keep not going to do it. This morning, I had resolved to finally go and get it done, but then I woke up, and in my blurry morning routine, immediately consumed two cups of coffee and a bowl of rice. Unfortunately, you're supposed to fast for the screening. Um. Oops. Was that a freudian avoidance-thing going on?

I guess tomorrow. Sigh.

What I'm listening to right now.

Lianne La Havas, "Forget." This track is awesome.

Caveat: Lego Movies

Lego_html_m6fbd1aadMy friend Bob sent me a link to a Lego movie on the Lego website. He has son who is fascinated by these things, which is why he sent me the link. I watched Lego movies – I'd embed one here, but they don't let you embed their movies (which is poor marketing, in my opinion). But here's the link.

I like the episode where the prisoners escape by jumping into the prison toilet with scuba gear on. The prison administrators try to get the prisoners back using a toilet plunger. See screenshots.


I think these videos would be extremely usuful in an elementary language classroom, because there's something salient about them – they're produced without any dialogue whatsoever. Thus they could be used as prompts for story-writing, similarly to wordless comic-strips.

[Daily log: walking, 1 km]


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