Caveat: Tree #1752 “Upper Tualatin Valley”

This tree was down by the upper Tualatin River in the hills about an hour west of Portland, just a short walk (maybe 1km) down the slope from Juli and Keith’s house, where I’m staying. We didn’t see any salmon jumping, which we often do this time of year, here.

A narrow but deep rushing river with a green, grassy embankment in the foreground and mossy conifers and late-fall yellow and faded orange deciduous trees on the far bank

I decided to enjoy an uneventful day, and just hung out. Sorta officially “on vacation.”

CaveatDumpTruck Logo[daily log: walking, 5km;]

Caveat: Tree #1751 “Chocolate and Flashlights and other very important things”

This tree is in Juli and Keith’s yard in western Oregon, where I’m visiting. The Fall weather is milder here than in Southeast Alaska.


I went to town to do shopping errands today. Into the giant Fred Meyer store (like a Walmart or Target, for those unfamiliar with Pacific Northwest). After all the time living and working in a tiny town on a Southeast Alaskan island, it’s a bit overwhelming, but not in a bad way, at least for me. You have the thought: this store feels bigger than the whole town!

There was an amusing incident. Arthur insisted on coming along on the shopping trip. He’s been quite anxious, since leaving home, about his lack of a certain brand of chocolate that we’ve been planning to “refresh his supply” on this trip. It’s a kind of separation anxiety, almost. We had run out of his brand back in August or so (we keep a lot on hand, and refresh once a year shopping down south, or order online), and we’d been unable to re-order online: vendors were “out of stock.” It was a distressing situation for him.

So he wanted to come along, so we could stop at the big stores and look for his brand of chocolate. We found it at Fred Meyer, and we bought 24 “giant size” bars of chocolate – maybe (only maybe) good for a year back up in Alaska. But it was all they had in stock.

The thing that was so striking: the moment we put the chocolate bars in the shopping cart, Arthur’s anxiety melted away. You could see him visibly relax. And then he announced he was tired, and he went and sat down at the front of the store to wait for me to finish the rest of my shopping.

So I got to spend a few hours with Arthur in a less anxious state. Of course, within a few hours, he’d found himself a new thing to worry about: flashlights! He wanted to make sure all the flashlights worked, that he could find in his yurt (his room-away-from-home at Juli’s, since time immemorial).

CaveatDumpTruck Logo[daily log: walking, 3km;]

Caveat: Tree #1750 “NASA휴먼어드벤처展”

This tree is another guest tree from my past – I traveled all day and was offline. I took this picture in December, 2014, while walking to work one day in Ilsan (Goyang), South Korea. I wanted to show the banner on the footbridge, advertising a NASA exhibition at the local convention center, but the tree bore witness.


CaveatDumpTruck Logo[daily log: walking, 5km; driving, 6hr; ferrying, 3hr; airplaning, 2hr]

Caveat: Tree #1749 “Fukushima”

This tree is a guest tree from my past. I took this picture in Fukushima, Japan, in March 2010. I was killing time waiting for a new work visa for Korea. The cherry blossoms were out along the river.


CaveatDumpTruck Logo[daily log: walking, 5km; retailing, 3hr]

Caveat: memes and mastodon

I haven’t really mentioned, on this here blog, the fact that over the last year I have become a consistent user of “social media” again. Unlike a decade ago, when I was quite active on facebook for a few years (and to a lesser extent, I was using the Korean social media ecosystem branded “Kakao”), this time, I’m using a social media thing called “Mastodon”. Mastodon is quite different in one important respect from the social media that most people use: it is not owned or controlled by a large, for-profit corporation. Mastodon has a similar feel to twitter (or also, facebook’s main feed, ca. 2008), but it’s “open source” and “non-profit” and “non-centralized”. That ends up being an important distinction. It has no advertising. It doesn’t manipulate what you see – you yourself completely control it – there’s no “algorithm” to struggle with.

I’m not posting this here to try to convert anyone. Everyone has their preferred social media spaces, and among my close family and friends, the readers of this here blog, that’s largely limited to that ubiquitous and amoral behemoth, facebook (which I abhor but remain engaged with in a mostly ancillary way). I have the option of “cross-posting” entries from this here blog to Mastodon, and I do so, not inevitably (I like the control) but anyway, more often than not. And on Mastodon I’ve done something I haven’t done elsewhere on social media (or the internet in general) – I’ve completely elided the long-maintained separation between my geofiction-hobby identity (aka “Luciano” aka “geofictician”) and my poem-writing-tree-photographing-Alaska-dwelling identity (aka “caveatdumptruck” aka this here blog).

If anyone is interested in exploring mastodon, they can scroll through my feed, here: If you’re interested in joining (making your own account on Mastodon), go here:

One thing that any social media is very good for is for finding amusing bits of humor and “memes” as the kids call them, these days.

I ran across this one on Mastodon, yesterday, that I rather liked.


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Caveat: Tree #1748 “Things done by wind”

This tree was forced to oversee the wanton destruction, by wind, of yet another tarp-based storage structure on lot 73 (tarp-based storage structures have suffered terrible fates on lot 73, in past years – this most recent iteration was something that neighbor Brandt had put up, ancillary to his construction project on my shed thingy).


CaveatDumpTruck Logo[daily log: walking, 2.5km; retailing, 1hr]

Caveat: Of empty atmosphere

Climbing the Tower at the Temple 
 of Blessings with Friends

The fragrant realm of incense teems
With shrines and temples; yet none seems
     A match for the tower here.
As breezes fan our high redoubt,
A vision of Great Power spreads out
     Like trigrams for a seer.
We joke we’ve joined the feathered race,
And reached the elevated space
     Of empty atmosphere.
Or I perhaps am now a king
Of every seen and unseen thing:
     I’ve left the mortal sphere.
Palaces hunker at the base
And in the span these gables trace
     Mountains and rivers appear.
Last night the wind blew autumn in;
From east to west, the plain of Qin
     Seems measureless and clear.
A hundred miles away are seen
The royal tombs at Wuling, green
     Still lustrous yet austere.
This golden age owes gratitude
To Ruan’s brave men; I too have stood
     With a border sentry’s spear.
In this good cause our thanks are sent:
Today we climb this monument
     In perfect carefree cheer!

- Gao Shi (Tang Dynasty poet, ca. 704–765)

高适  同诸公登慈恩寺浮图

This poem is posted on the blog Tang Poetry, with translation by the blog’s author.

I don’t know Chinese at all. At best, I occasionally recognize a character and can guess its meaning, because of my study of Korean. At my height proficiency, I maybe had 100-150 characters memorized as recognition vocabulary, which is not necessary knowledge for modern Korean but which is quite useful in getting a better understanding of the relation between words, their etymologies, and distiguishing the language’s abundant homonyms, since about 60% of Korean vocabulary was borrowed (in past centuries) from Chinese. The sounds are often quite different, so even knowing the old Korean character and its pronunciation doesn’t inform me in any way about the modern Chinese pronunciation.

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Caveat: Poem #2651 “Seventy-sixth stanza”

Kiamon noted the rats by the grate.
Sunset had passed, and the time had grown late.
Streetcars were scarce. A dull mist filled the air.
Facing her future, she muttered a prayer.

– a quatrain in dactylic tetrameter. This is yet another random snippet from the life of Kiamon, a fictional being in an imaginary world.

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Caveat: Tree #1744 “Mossy witness”

This tree bore witness to the loitering sea. I like the twisted, mossy branches.


I worked on putting the dirt back in the hole at the well. It is very tiring. This is a fairly long-term project, which would be done in 10 minutes with an excavator but I was stubborn when Richard was here with his excavator in August, about an aspect of the project at that time, so now I have to fill the hole with my shovel.

Quite unrelated, I like this quote:

"The unconscious is a machine for operating an animal." - Cormac McCarthy

CaveatDumpTruck Logo[daily log: walking, 1km; dirt-digging, 1hr]

Caveat: Tree #1742 “Dailier than ever”

This tree is dailier than others, along the road to town.


Art had a difficult night last night. He has a thing that happens sometimes, where he wakes up disoriented – much more than usual. He needs to get up to go to the toilet but he can’t find his way from the bed to the bathroom. He crashes into things. Of course it doesn’t help that he is stubborn, in persisting in the belief that he can navigate in the dark. It’s impossible to get him to adopt a habit of turning on a light to find the bathroom – he believes with his heart and soul that his excellent spatial memory can get him from on place to another in a familiar environment, in the dark. Leaving a light on is useless – he’ll grumpily turn it off the moment I go to bed. He insists on sleeping in absolute dark – to the point of closing the blinds against the moonlight.

Anyway, his excellent spatial memory is long gone. He wakes up disoriented, can’t find the door out of the bedroom, stumbles around. I awoke to a loud crash at around 11:30 PM, and went down stairs. I found him lying on the floor. There was urine all over the floor near the door. He seemed to have head-butted the wall where a small heater unit is installed, damaging the wall and the unit such that repairs will be recovered. I don’t even know how he did that.

It took us more than an hour to get him back into the bed. In his disoriented state, he couldn’t figure out how to stand up. He’s week, and with shaky balance, but when his mental faculties are more normal, he’s able to get himself up off the ground or floor. But last night it was a struggle. I kept trying to explain to him what he needed to do: “Roll sideways, get a knee under you, lever yourself up by grabbing the edge of the bed.” These instructions just made him sullen, as if I was giving impossible advice. And I’m not strong enough to lift him. So we had to wait out the lack of ability – in the end we got him close enough to the bed that I was able to kind of lever him up onto the bed, against much protestations of suffering and agony (he had bad arthritis in the shoulders).

I got the floor cleaned up. I disabled the damaged heater so it won’t be a hazard, pending repair, and later I gifted him a portable one that I have been using to heat the RV, to control mold.

In the morning, he asked me what had happened to the heater – he apparently didn’t remember anything that happened. It’s unrealistic to expect him to be grateful for the help I give him, when he can’t remember needing my help.

It was a hard night.

CaveatDumpTruck Logo[daily log: walking, 4km; retailing, 3hr]

Caveat: Tree #1740 “Still surviving”

This tree is my small cherry tree that nearly died in the deerpocalypse last year. This year, safe in its little cage, it seems to have done fine, but it’s strange how the leaves seem uninterested in changing color in the Fall.


CaveatDumpTruck Logo[daily log: walking, 4km; retailing, 9hr]

Caveat: October, 2023, User Statistics for OGF

[This is a cross-post from my other blog.]

Here is detailed user summary data for October, for our main imaginary map server. These results are ordered from highest number of objects touched to lowest number. I think number of objects touched (nodes, ways, relations) is a more meaningful way to evaluate user activity than changeset counts, which are highly variable depending on how individual users use available tools to connect to the database (iD vs JOSM, etc).

display_name user_id count_changesets count_nodes count_ways count_rels count_objects
BMSOUZA 954 209 346917 101841 6 448764
Lemuria 26719 406 278953 32184 502 311639
Izaland Terramorphing Committee 15584 139 170496 18503 381 189380
Arlo 10218 346 152830 14704 757 168291
Hilsonbergman 6375 112 105616 15508 103 121227
joebro 2580 18 117935 2441 157 120533
Fayaan 18131 415 101946 5794 949 108689
Rustem Pasha 4928 14 92523 8599 68 101190
Alexmar983 25870 962 70767 17310 68 88145
newflanders 3228 33 83889 1522 157 85568
Halvarda 21685 91 72939 4847 807 78593
Bixelkoven 16933 27 57899 3707 92 61698
oneofbeatlefan 6427 10 54607 1922 45 56574
Koziu 24578 54 44448 6368 17 50833
Liadrien 17542 29 49506 1174 150 50830
Brunanter 1761 92 46396 3602 400 50398
what3089 26856 93 38319 5526 30 43875
Kalh79 401 88 38835 3135 28 41998
Distel 23033 85 33480 8254 1 41735
Mie 22733 48 38779 2147 26 40952
UN1TY 2194 108 35085 4985 100 40170
Geoc3ladus 14788 18 34134 2421 65 36620
Intergalactic 1384 18 30400 255 1 30656
Alessa 2664 7 29049 896 93 30038
sudo91 22243 45 25349 3484 32 28865
awesomeboy123 21391 77 26754 1317 80 28151
NM$l 25192 68 23748 2264 62 26074
Huachachi 15931 37 22402 2973 66 25441
Intergan 15076 17 22369 2715 19 25103
thermo_nuclear 2386 19 21989 672 23 22684
Leowezy 1267 57 18547 3119 17 21683
Lithium-Ion 22476 46 20205 1376 72 21653
PlatterPattern 26914 42 18171 2758 91 21020
Ernestpkirby 232 89 15866 3836 16 19718
Toadwart 2322 34 17005 2325 204 19534
deep river 26867 271 14886 3252 2 18140
zhenkang 3225 36 15200 1599 53 16852
tars 10312 19 16226 519 53 16798
tparigo 1747 20 13601 3133 41 16775
ifgus 4790 16 14376 2274 18 16668
stjur 2533 27 14729 1726 84 16539
Punkmonkey22 20035 9 16108 357 0 16465
poweikao 12084 8 15290 1031 25 16346
Pawl 1294 41 14138 1637 3 15778
Zytik 13652 72 13472 1756 71 15299
Enderbyte09 25083 23 14181 979 2 15162
Y Knott 1158 31 11375 3724 17 15116
MiniMapper 26855 67 13803 1229 32 15064
Mapper89062 24351 54 10349 4429 6 14784
Taka 14001 41 13263 1336 167 14766
plainoldbread 3272 19 13557 889 14 14460
Timboh 324 11 12028 1357 186 13571
sergjack 26317 49 12300 1214 2 13516
Dfltcher2 24710 34 10375 2765 3 13143
Mantan 25551 17 11481 1288 28 12797
Pav 12292 67 11404 1310 5 12719
AustinBoath 17528 72 10875 1578 6 12459
lankusiek 23807 23 11453 973 4 12430
ItsTybear 17286 61 9481 2631 17 12129
Myrcia 1630 4 11453 533 0 11986
Sweetykid 25913 54 8997 2505 34 11536
RobertTBS 26656 51 9939 1309 2 11250
CharlieG 4058 7 11041 194 5 11240
J33 26562 14 10404 820 2 11226
Luciano 294 2 10787 171 14 10972
CrisChoky 18079 3 10495 454 2 10951
Gubble 2713 5 10610 339 1 10950
Mapping Expert 17027 31 9421 1317 1 10739
nichelyo 19757 16 9759 949 0 10708
acv 24879 7 9665 697 6 10368
waterstealer 24870 39 9695 610 16 10321
hallowed_embers 24992 22 8294 1728 57 10079
pdplm 6697 36 8262 1673 101 10036
indyroads 344 21 9061 781 70 9912
Glauber 14612 27 8087 1769 14 9870
Crarji 22595 35 8825 880 6 9711
ethanxman 2516 13 8170 1519 2 9691
skquinn 1192 150 8054 1534 5 9593
AmusingSage2454 25347 22 9351 207 15 9573
Otto Yamamoto 1368 30 8610 934 7 9551
BelpheniaProject 1020 2 9199 319 0 9518
Easky30 18 47 8122 1275 5 9402
Aces California 759 12 8045 1049 8 9102
ciaosamuu 24620 44 7236 1084 4 8324
clik 942 22 7043 1225 0 8268
P Gaillard 25179 14 7587 603 59 8249
curiomap 11647 67 6772 1350 0 8122
kengoman 24572 6 6654 1387 14 8055
No Way 1463 32 6430 1321 37 7788
InfernoOGF 27021 51 6103 1451 0 7554
Paul Pfh 23089 39 6367 1003 27 7397
Davieerr 8029 10 6997 259 10 7266
ratsoff2u 1017 90 6129 1073 2 7204
sude 15789 43 6474 479 213 7166
Icefur2 22747 23 5875 1176 0 7051
TGSpace 25394 22 6099 910 21 7030
Reviriegu 25104 30 6237 710 2 6949
django07 25742 8 6241 347 2 6590
seasvnz 25153 9 5126 1343 7 6476
JohnnyDoes 26969 8 5214 1201 14 6429
114514aaa 26752 37 5367 1014 6 6387
CaribbeanIslandMapper 25002 57 5904 431 28 6363
Martinawa 11407 21 5578 617 32 6227
QuartzSpoonOGF 26623 15 5370 835 12 6217
BDoyle 17873 35 5078 1025 2 6105
varnel_maiser 6691 11 5514 380 6 5900
xem0861 26844 9 5112 667 1 5780
Rasmus Rasmusson 1139 41 5141 600 16 5757
AmpereBEEP 23019 26 4195 1494 61 5750
Charlie 26149 12 4828 892 7 5727
DT_Planner 25648 25 5317 279 26 5622
ruadh 2725 10 5073 458 33 5564
Masyas 26066 28 4285 1025 6 5316
Vay 15996 10 4397 891 10 5298
Fluffr_Nuttr 6846 7 5023 252 8 5283
infinatious 12340 13 4862 385 19 5266
津瀬tu 26428 20 4471 791 0 5262
2amCereal 18270 4 4444 734 1 5179
SAICO192 25445 35 3941 1187 0 5128
Aglet 26443 34 4062 929 32 5023
Imperator 1141 15 4170 745 40 4955
Vas111 26812 46 3067 1728 92 4887
Soboko 8026 19 4472 376 1 4849
CartographerKing 5562 6 4243 308 18 4569
theCubic 24412 3 4013 514 5 4532
Oriolet 4764 146 3617 855 1 4473
Poissott 26695 14 4001 440 14 4455
快乐的老鼠宝宝 24171 35 4108 260 86 4454
ante44 1822 14 3213 1194 39 4446
Squizie3 17920 13 2782 1631 22 4435
Infrarrojo 9678 11 3797 617 17 4431
Draco 26937 12 3769 616 28 4413
cartographersurgeon 25890 23 3303 962 15 4280
anakes 1510 3 4063 189 2 4254
cheakshibe 26049 35 3532 591 4 4127
PortCal 1477 17 3672 423 4 4099
Le Mathou 790 36 3641 382 63 4086
pablopilar 875 18 3487 572 2 4061
beclabito 25726 11 3472 519 0 3991
Bulest 26434 14 2781 771 0 3552
OhioRiverSSA 26088 11 2943 572 2 3517
wojiaocaiyan 26892 14 2617 779 0 3396
ADB52 4597 21 2987 352 45 3384
DanDo 25243 13 2701 633 2 3336
antoon 217 4 2599 665 0 3264
wangi 468 8 135 3074 33 3242
lxgwsierra 26979 15 2545 630 3 3178
geoboi 5230 17 2699 443 5 3147
noncertifiedbruhs 22665 9 2604 522 0 3126
Marcello 3254 20 2623 381 0 3004
WoW 25408 5 2445 543 2 2990
roadyote 14592 15 2443 525 1 2969
KameKaza 25617 3 2802 110 0 2912
dose 26753 27 2523 364 0 2887
Thaman 26447 16 2407 417 1 2825
Mattlas 17336 9 2151 634 2 2787
NorthTeaPower 14030 7 2127 291 2 2420
JSanchez 253 21 1898 494 0 2392
Christiaan de Vries 1228 32 1799 559 1 2359
bootmii 2615 25 1682 588 0 2270
pzs111111 20225 9 1919 329 7 2255
mikumikumapper 25619 2 1906 342 1 2249
Sortsdam 25841 26 1574 506 6 2086
Crétin_Dauphinois 25595 7 1577 499 0 2076
SleepyAks 26976 30 1727 305 32 2064
Jonesboro 14995 36 1675 380 1 2056
MrArsalan 26711 29 1409 519 1 1929
JJat 26743 16 1299 590 0 1889
chazeltine 7402 7 1627 192 16 1835
mapper941 25228 3 1547 252 1 1800
super_empath 25865 5 1429 328 9 1766
Reece202 1514 2 1612 105 1 1718
Legoman 26243 11 1325 335 0 1660
Anonymous21 23682 20 1267 342 16 1625
kingfries 1956 72 1239 340 1 1580
maha 26977 7 1120 416 0 1536
myaccountforogf4 27025 6 1418 88 2 1508
fauxcartograph 2348 8 1092 359 0 1451
First3h 26597 5 1279 163 5 1447
Turnsole80 1130 14 1175 219 27 1421
MarcustheMapper 13156 7 1273 147 0 1420
lmills29 25896 16 1174 241 0 1415
oluap 23204 7 1348 41 14 1403
gannman 2405 5 1178 180 0 1358
GFC 8666 3 1133 222 1 1356
Aiki 2336 13 1008 313 30 1351
Black Baron 2822 12 1165 139 13 1317
Yongdinghe 26240 1 1160 75 1 1236
Picard-Lindelöf 15483 2 1063 119 3 1185
Chan Yun Kai 12958 3 985 192 0 1177
tule00 1405 2 1113 36 0 1149
blz 24720 5 878 224 1 1103
Patrikki 25710 5 864 204 0 1068
Öllöjoumi 10082 6 923 103 0 1026
gmxr 1125 16 167 844 10 1021
Romhfvir 15174 4 928 92 0 1020
elindio23 8153 4 910 43 3 956
Fluvius 26927 2 783 157 0 940
iiEarth 12233 4 798 81 21 900
Fabri05 18848 7 729 102 0 831
America 25550 8 599 205 0 804
Silvercow 25065 5 693 98 0 791
MakiReal 26965 12 577 202 6 785
yaanee 24971 1 677 89 0 766
sjk23 23494 2 663 76 0 739
LemonKing 8378 4 614 124 0 738
Toad 23441 5 589 95 1 685
ellocomigue 10830 16 562 122 0 684
AtlanticIsles 25943 3 605 42 0 647
Wave Arts 16804 1 629 10 1 640
thosehlar 1343 11 444 182 3 629
georgecg 1504 7 572 51 0 623
nehalem501 8554 8 504 86 0 590
Arq635 24043 1 534 38 0 572
_zM 1789 2 453 107 8 568
ParAvion 3527 2 67 501 0 568
Boge 224 2 528 15 1 544
Juan&don 26552 1 466 72 1 539
Ilthracna 22530 2 405 102 0 507
Mahita 20854 7 282 185 1 468
jjrc1996 20575 1 382 73 0 455
Mauser 25990 6 332 110 1 443
JHolger 26671 5 406 34 0 440
LK9RI 26955 3 296 140 0 436
AnarchistFrog 26838 1 432 0 0 432
allenpatrick 26556 4 352 70 0 422
Charmscobb 26896 2 321 88 0 409
faru 24926 1 289 117 0 406
Singapura-Oriental 21382 2 340 59 1 400
Sarepava 239 1 336 49 0 385
Szybki 24519 1 337 20 0 357
jba487_14 6326 2 308 36 0 344
fuse_miyuri 26997 2 331 4 0 335
ShavedParm 25749 2 288 46 0 334
Logan 25956 3 230 68 6 304
GamePancakes 1071 2 240 58 0 298
devcey 27007 1 249 46 0 295
ThePhrogianOverlord 25594 1 272 17 0 289
BlarneyStoneIL 26982 6 207 56 1 264
deltanz 1438 4 232 32 0 264
Gonzy 16354 2 254 9 0 263
Canada_LaVearn 22831 4 218 33 0 251
LukeyBear 26686 3 202 46 0 248
JBstad1 159 2 239 6 0 245
ezesantillan 2100 10 183 59 0 242
Ksawery2137 25270 3 201 40 0 241
HobbyJ 26939 7 202 38 0 240
Manic 26911 3 211 27 0 238
jl06 18719 3 182 55 0 237
sosa 16936 2 178 38 0 216
SwissCrusader 12676 1 164 42 2 208
bananaman101 25559 3 157 41 0 198
rickypro 21052 1 181 15 0 196
JuLn 15225 1 168 6 0 174
t833 19093 1 138 29 0 167
Kokerey 14213 1 130 33 0 163
blad 26831 1 138 24 0 162
jak 16 3 111 34 0 145
Teao88 27018 3 110 28 0 138
diamantschiff 11298 1 101 33 0 134
Floytia 26592 3 97 22 0 119
Ejayy 25141 3 28 90 0 118
JoNeDe13 26916 4 88 27 0 115
anjn 24787 1 87 26 0 113
Sarius1997 26402 1 80 19 0 99
LakiLuke 23797 2 80 17 0 97
TWYM2 26774 1 71 17 0 88
TheMayor 14026 2 23 60 0 83
Trellux 1757 2 75 8 0 83
MiLorde 26648 1 66 16 0 82
Stephenplays 7055 1 71 9 0 80
otter2714 26548 4 66 14 0 80
Wayfaringts 26971 1 50 27 1 78
kingkwan 15537 2 54 23 0 77
Friedrich does things 26234 11 67 3 0 70
mrpeanuts 9055 1 41 23 0 64
Fifafo 17964 1 44 12 0 56
jemily2 24713 1 34 22 0 56
Bob Lee 18271 1 47 9 0 56
Jesus Zurita 26873 1 32 14 0 46
liam mosai 26897 2 31 13 0 44
三浦地図 26610 2 35 8 0 43
ndgid 21484 6 14 28 0 42
Aegirios 25700 1 21 11 0 32
Tharkrish 24818 2 13 17 2 32
mstr 1973 2 23 6 0 29
Eevee 7443 1 24 0 0 24
ChaoticwasTaken 25995 1 15 7 2 24
elabo 1434 1 18 1 0 19
23Hubin 25761 1 6 5 0 11
Vedertesu 25855 1 3 1 0 4
addriansaw2 26981 2 1 1 0 2
Aokin1999 26770 1 1 1 0 2
admin 215 1 1 0 0 1

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