Day: April 28, 2020
Caveat: Art #2
This is a pastel drawing of Michelle that I drew in 1994. It is somewhat stylized. It has some water damage in the center left.
Caveat: just one more post about books of poetry…
I have published two volumes of poetry. Paperback copies are available on Amazon, on my author page. The prices are set based on cost of printing – I am not out to make money from my poetry.
I had originally intended to also publish Kindle (electronic book) versions, but Amazon was making that difficult, and so I decided that if what you really want is to read the poems cheaply or electronically, I’ll give them away for free. Here are PDF versions of both volumes:
Here are the paperback books on Amazon.

Caveat: Poem #1367 “Time”
ㅁ Frogs and horses, why are they? Time is inescapable. A burden. We cannot ever escape. A child knows not time but they make him learn. They throw it on his back, and he never notices until one day, then it is too late, and they are happy.
– a free-form poem. This poem is a “guest post” from my own past. A distant past. I wrote this while in high school, in December, 1981. I remember writing it… vaguely.