Caveat: Poem: Mostly in Alaska

I have created an author page on Amazon. It’s rudimentary – they don’t give you a lot of room for customization, but that’s fine. I’ve added a link to the top-most menu on this blog, to the right.
More significantly, I am now getting ready to publish the always intended second volume of poems, which will cover the time period from my departure from Korea to the current date. I suppose the poems included in it will be those right up through the moment I am ready to push the “publish” button.
The Library of Congress number has been applied for, and I have finished the formatting work for the text. I have also made a draft cover design.

Caveat: Poem #1359 “A diagram of the local weather”

gray skies  calm skies  brooding skies
intermittent drizzle
damp ground  seeping ground  squishy ground
drifting mist
rocking trees  steadfast trees  green trees
steady rain
you watch
out the window
which remains
yet urgent
focused thoughts  observational thoughts  random thoughts
meteorological meditations

– a quennet

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