Caveat: Tree #1599 “A stroll”

This tree witnessed a small family out for a morning stroll.


Unrelated, here is a quote that I found amusing:

“Never underestimate your fellow man’s lack of initiative.” – Bryan Caplan

To be clear, I take some issue with the author’s use of the gendered “fellow man” – it’s archaic, at this point, and there are plenty of more universalist alternatives that are utterly painless, e.g. simply “fellow human being’s” or even simply “other people’s” as opposed to “your fellow man’s”. That said, and given Caplan’s problematic relation (opposition) to feminism, perhaps we can take him at face value, and understand that he does, indeed, mean only men, here. In fact that might make the quote more amusing.

CaveatDumpTruck Logo[daily log: walking, 5km; retailing, 8hr]

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