Caveat: Tree #1605 “A migratory tablesaw”

This tree (probably the one kind of barely visible on the right) was there when I finally got the tablesaw moved over from my treehouse to my greenhouse-shed-thing. It was quite difficult to move – too heavy to carry and not able to fit through the treehouse door without extensive disassembly – but I moved it and reassembled it successfully.

A picture of a structure that appears to perhaps be half-shed, half home-made greenhouse (clear plastic siding). There is a table saw visible through an open doorway, and some trees and greenery on the right in the background
You might wonder why I had the tablesaw in the treehouse. I’d put it up there a few years ago because a) I was working on the treehouse a lot and it was handy, but more importantly, b) because I was terrified Arthur would do something with the tablesaw under one of his sudden compulsions to be “handy” but where he doesn’t remember how to operate it safely.

Art and I spent a very long, tedious afternoon at the clinic. He had an appointment – it was just a follow up on the lab tests from before – but the doctor was running behind and so we had to sit around a lot.

CaveatDumpTruck Logo[daily log: walking, 5km; dogwalking, 3.5km]

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