Caveat: Tree #1598 “Waiting for illumination”

#Photography #SoutheastAlaska

This tree experienced a moment of illumination.


I got some baby lettuce out of my greenhouse, thinning the patch somewhat.


Art had a doctor’s appointment this morning. Just some lab tests, nothing related to changed diagnosis. It took a long time because they wanted a urine sample, and that’s not something Art does on demand these days. I’ve always felt he’s chronically dehydrated, but I simply cannot convince him to drink more fluids.

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Caveat: Poem: Volume 3: Mostly among Trees

My third volume of poetry is published.

This includes daily poems from mid 2020 through mid 2022. Paperback copies can be purchased on Amazon (link) or, as with the earlier volumes, free PDF’s are downloadable on my Books page (link). As with all the poems, they’re also available online on this here blog.


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