Caveat: gravis est dolor

What I'm listening to right now.

Cat Stevens, "O Caritas." The song is in Latin – "schoolboy Latin" such as was learned by Stevens' generation in British schools, before Latin ceased to be part of any country's curriculum. Apparently there are mistakes in the Latin, but it's still a worthy song, in my opinion.


hunc ornatum mundi
nolo perdere
video flagrare
omnia res
audio clamare
nunc extinguitur
mundi et astrorum lumen
nunc concipitur mali hominis crimen
tristetate et lacrimis
gravis est dolor
de terraeque maribus
magnus est clamor
O caritas, O caritas
nobis semper sit amor
nos perituri mortem salutamus
sola resurgit vita
Ah, this world is burning fast
Oh, the world will never last
I don't want to lose it here in my time

[daily log: walking, 6km]


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