Caveat: Toad Goes Psycho

My students in my E2반 class [broken link! FIXME] finished their bowdlerized Wind in the Willows story two weeks ago, and as a final assignment, I told them to write a continuation (sequel) story. It was a kind of creative writing exercise. Their sequels ran the gamut from essentially re-telling the story to horror/sci-fi genre. Here are two notable responses – per my custom, I have transcribed my student writing utterly uncorrected and unedited, only typing exactly what they wrote. It might help for you to become more familiar with the original story – there are free online versions of the text or you can wikithing it for Cliff's Notes.

The feel-good, retelling-the-story version.

Witw 002Poor Toad was very unhappy. He wanted ride a car and go out. Toad thought great idea. First, he dug ground, so he get out Toad hall. He saw a fancy car by the side of the road outside a Toad Hall. There was no one in it, so he jumped in, started the engine, and drove off. "Toot! Toot!" he shouted. He rode car far away. Badger came Toad hall, But Toad not stay, so Badger was surprise. "Oh, dear! Toad not hear." Badger and Rat and Mole looking for Toad. Finally, they found Toad. Toad had accident. So he went to court. Judge said. "You did many bad deeds. So you will go to prison for eighty years." Badger said, "You are right, Judge, but he crazy and foolish. We take care him." So Judge, Mole, Badger and Rat thinked about a car. Mole thought great idea. Mole said, "We will make 'Bump car'. How about you?" Badger said, "That's great idea." Rat said, "You are right, I think that is fun." Judge said, "Me too." So they made 'Bump car.'" Toad was very happy. Because he rode Bump car with friend. Toad said. "Toot! Toot!"

The psycho-killer-with-a-sci-fi-twist-ending version.

Witw 002bOne day the toad try to escape. Toad order a sports car and he crashed it. "freedom!!" Toad said. The Toad was very angry, because the Police and Judge locked in his home "I kill all of people." Toad said. Toad bought the many weapons. First, Toad kill a Police and Judge. "Ahaaa! What a crazy toad!" Police and Judge said. and Toad kill them. Second he kills all of frenids. and he very very very crazy Toad. When Toad kill all of people, and he was very lonely. So Toad make a print machine and he print the people. Toad was very happy. and he was be done king for Toad hall. When he old he was die. Happy ending!!!

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