im not sure if this kind of thing is really about fundamental goodness or rather the goodness of specific people but either way i found it confirmational.
almost a decade ago i had a coworker at aramark corp named tracy. she was an accounts rep of some kind, while i was in my eccentric role of data analyst / programmer / billing troubleshooter. we didnt work together particularly closely, and i even recall a run-in or two over some passionately held opposing ideas about what might be right for a customer. we never interacted socially outside of work. you could say we were colleagues but not truly friends.
and yet despite this social and temporal distance, yesterday at facebookland tracy took the time to write the following.
>Waking up today I clicked on a link my friend posted. He shares links all the time but in the daily hussle and bussle of life, I've never read them. Today I clicked on the link about "fruit" of all things…only to learn that this is his blog and he has cancer! To say I'm sad and upset right now is an understatement! This is a person that I think highly of…he's smart, very funny, kind and one of the many blessings you hope to come across in your life!! Today I'm sending prayers for a speedy recovery and trying to pull myself together! If anyone can turn this around and be cancer free it's him! Sending you lots of love, hugs and positive thoughts Jared!!!!!
i am flattered beyond belief. to imagine that after a decade there are coworkers who remember me on these terms and will take the time all these years later to express them to me truly warms my heart.
kindness repays kindness repays kindness. . . ad infinitum. humanity aint such a bad thing as long as we do the right thing.
I remember our discussions more along the lines of passionate banter…both wanting what’s best but ultimately your “smarts” won!! :). Good times Jarred…you always challenged me to think about things from outside of the box! A lesson I still apply today!
What goes around, comes around. A firm belief of mine! I don’t find her email surprising at all, because that is the Jared I know.