My coworker Sean was celebrating his son Ian’s first birthday. The first birthday is called 돌 (dol); it’s a big deal in Korean culture, and is generally held in a catered location with entertainment, food, millions of relatives. Rather like a wedding reception in the U.S., for example. I went to Ian’s event, and sat around and ate hweh (raw fish) and fruit and people watched and chatted with Peter and Sarah (who were only other Lbridgists to show up). It was mildly entertaining. Sean is moving back to Guam (he’s Korean-Guamanian, I guess you might call it), but with the intention of leveraging his US citizenship into an Air Force career, apparently. I wish him luck. He has a family to support, and hagwon work doesn’t pay so hot… it’s understandable.
I walked home from where it was near Tanhyeonyeok (and the SBS studios out thattaway) with Peter. We chatted about aimless walking and aimless roadtripping, which seems to be a trait we share. It was fun.