Caveat: Comment No Comment

Perhaps I spoke too soon in stating, last week, that my job is relatively unstressful.

And now, I’ve been having a really horrible week. It’s enough to feed into that superstition that speaking positively about something will jinx it, making it worse.

Rhetorically: why do my coworkers ask my opinion if they choose to so consistently ignore it? Several times in the last two days I’ve been asked what I think of the placement (or re-placement – movement from one class or cohort to another) of students. I’ve given my opinions, which have been consistently disregarded. I think I need to just quit stating my opinion – it’s a little bit humiliating to not be taken seriously as a teacher after all this time.

Although… I must acknowledge that simply stating my feelings here constitutes a kind of passive-aggressive “push-back” vis-a-vis work, given that this blog is an essentially public forum, right? Hah. We’ll see if anyone’s reading this.

I saw the graffito below in a classroom. Does it really require comment?


Translation: “This hagwon is really boring.” Below that, in different handwriting, “dude” (not literally “dude,” but in the usage / pragmatics in teen slang, “헐” works the same way).

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Caveat: Absolute Danglation

It was a hard day at work. I think I shouldn't complain about it, though. Just move on. As recently observed, overall, it's one of the least stressful jobs I've ever had. So… I shouldn't let it stress me out.

Changing the subject, the concept of the dangling participle was annoying today.

In fact, English also has something called an absolute construction, and many sentences criticized for including a dangling participle can be explained as including an absolute instead, which is considered grammatical.  Is the green sentence above an example of a dangling participle or an absolute construction? I believe it's the latter.

Really, then, I wonder: can something dangle absolutely?.

Caveat: Chaiyya Chaiyya

I was in one of my random internet-surfing modes that I sometimes get into, and ended up watching the video below. I sometimes consider that India is a country near the top of my list of countries that I would consider “moving to next” if I give up on this “South Korean project.” The natural scenery in the video (Ooty, Tamil Nadu state in South India) reminds me, vaguely, of some train trips I took in southern/eastern Mexico in the 1980s, or, also, the tropical setting that is my mother’s home in the Atherton Tablelands of Far North Queensland, Australia.

pictureThe video is interesting in part because it was apparently a low-budget, no-special-effects undertaking – those people dancing on the train are really just people dancing on a moving train (picture at right). The song, like most Indian hits, is Bollywood in origin, but according the wikithing article about the song, its lyrics come from a Sufi folk tradition. Which perhaps incidentally explains why I ended up discovering the video due to an article somewhere about Urdu, not Hindi (Urdu [Pakistan] and Hindi [India] are dialects of essentially the same language, often mutually comprehensible). But the video and song are clearly Hindi, although the setting of the video is South India (Tamil Nadu) which is neither Hindi nor Urdu, culturally.

Well, I’m kind of rambling. If I went to India, the South and Northeast are the parts that most interest me.

As a digression… I once came rather close to taking a month-long trip to Kerala (in the South), when I was still considering myself a computer professional. The story was that I’d worked out that, in net financial terms, it would cost me the same to fly to India and enroll in an Indian computer certification program as it would to stay in the US and get a much higher-priced but precisely identical (content-equivalent) certification. So I was going to go to Kerala and become a Microsoft Certfied Database Administrator, or something in that vein.

I never went to India. But I still think about it. My current status as an EFL teacher doesn’t really “work” for India – India has plenty of EFL, of course (it’s an official language, still, even), but it’s so large and so “self contained” in EFL terms that they’re mostly uninterested, as far as I can tell, in foreign native English speakers (especially American-accented ones) – there seems to be no market for my type of work, there. So if I went, I guess it would just be as some kind of long-term tourist. Or else something like the above, where I was trying to break back into computer work.

What I’m listening to right now.

Malaika Arora and King Khan, “Chaiyya Chaiyya.”

I like the somewhat obscure, almost mysteriously ominous ending of the video – perhaps a reference to the movie from which the song is taken, or some other pop-culture reference that is lost on me.

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Caveat: It was not boring

We had an end-of-school-year "level test" today, since the new Korean school year starts at the beginning of March. I asked an advanced student named Jaehwan how the test was – did he find it difficult. He answered, laconically: "It was not boring."

I like kids with a sense of humor – although I'm not even sure he meant it that way. Though I sort of suspect so.

What I'm listening to right now.

Brian Eno, "Ali Click Trance Mix."

Caveat: Parabola

Do you like creepy rock videos about aliens doing strange stuff with reality? Or something?

What I’m listening to right now.

Tool, “Parabola.”

[UPDATE 2014-01-06: the youtube link was broken. I replaced it.]

[UPDATE 2024-05-03: the youtube link was broken again. I replaced it again.]

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Caveat: 느허허허허허헣헝ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ주제어려워요

Chaeyon wrote some ideas for a recent debate topic. The first idea is pretty good. The second kind of trails off into nothingness. And then, at the bottom of the paper, in Korean, I found the following:


Keeping in mind that “ㅠ” is the local emoticon for tears, you could read this as “neu-heo-heo-heo-heo-heo-heong-heong-<tears>ju-je-eo-ryeo-wo-yo.” I’m pretty sure the first part is just onomatopoeia for crying noise, cf. English “whaaaaaa.” Then you have the <tears> emoticon, and then you have “topic is difficult.”

I appreciate that this is true. Sometimes I push them pretty hard with the topics in the debate class. I like when the kids keep their sense of humor about it.

pictureIn other news, my dreaded PM2 cohort taught me a game today, which was fascinating. Apparently, it’s mainly an adult drinking game, but kids have created an alcoholless implementation. Or maybe it was vice-versa, originally. The game is called 눈치게임 [nun-chi-ge-im]. nun-chi seems to mean something like “looks” or “signs” (as used in the expression “he showed a sign of his intention…”). ge-im is konglish – it’s the word “game” in Korean pronunciation and spelling.

The game is hard to explain. It’s a psych-out kind of game. It works great in a group of 10 or so, as I saw demonstrated. One person stands up, saying “one.” Another stands, saying “two.” A third, “three.” And so on. Easy enough. But there’s no rule about who is supposed to go when. And if two people happen to stand up at once, then those two lose points (or take drinks, in the drinking game) and the game starts over. If you’re the last person to stand and speak, you also lose – so there’s incentive not to be last. But there’s incentive to not be simultaneous with anyone else, too. So…

Everyone is watching everyone else very closely. One person leaps up, “one.” Another, “two.” Long wait. Suddenly, two leap up, “three!” They lose. Everyone sits down. The counting starts over.

I love this game. It would make a good ice-breaker party game, obviously. Alcohol or no.

Like everything in Korea, there’s an online version – see picture.

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Caveat: Lentil Chili

pictureI made lentil chili. I ate some.

I’ve been reading Milton’s Paradise Lost. Hard slogging. Can you believe, I never read it before? It was always a hole in my literary foundations.



What I’m listening to right now.

Absurd Minds, “Deception.”

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Caveat: 그림의 떡

그림의       떡
picture-GEN ddeok
[like a] picture of a rice-cake

This means “pie in the sky” – which is to say, something you cannot have but fantasize about.

So that’s proverb for the day. Here’s a picture of ddeok (Korean style rice-cake) – there are thousands of different types and styles – this one looks rather delicious.


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Caveat: 니가 해 봐

I overheard a student saying this in the lobby of work, and it was a fabulous moment, because I was able to parse it instantly. "니가 해 봐" [ni-ga hae bwa] means something like, "You try it!" It's a protest, where someone is complaining about something the other did, saying "oh, it's not big deal," and so the other says, "Well, you try it, then!"

Anyway, it's a tiny, incremental victory. That's all we get, in trying learn a language. But I'm happy to have had it.

Caveat: 2000th Post

According to my blogomatic interface thingy, this will be my 2000th blog post. I feel so excited, on this significant anniversary. Well… not really. [UPDATE 2018-10-15: the alleged “blogomatic interface thingy” is no longer relevant, as I have moved my blog to self-hosting. The link is retained for historical accuracy, but the company linked to is no longer one I will endorse.]

But I will take this milestone to reflect, again (as I have before), on what this blog means to me.

Um. It’s surprising how few people actually read it. Fewer read it than two years ago, when I made my 1000th post. I’m not sure what that means. I suppose that one thing that it means is that my friends and family have better things to do, or I’ve been in Korea so long that they’ve mostly forgotten about me. I guess that’s okay – I’ve come to realize that I mostly write just for myself.

It’s true that I get a limited number of random visitors who link through to the blog from google searches. Currently, the number one search that leads to this blog is: “오승근 떠나는 님아“. Go ahead – try it. Why? I think that for whatever reason, I’m one of the few bloggers who’s successfully posted a clearly-labeled link to a video of this Korean singer’s song.

Recently, someone came to my blog after typing in “the world is messed up” into the google’s search box. That was funny.


I enjoy the fact that I have the ability to “look over the shoulders” of the people who visit my blog in this way. I’ve learned where the google spiders live (Taiwan, Mountain View CA, somewhere in Belgium, Council Bluffs IA) – they often visit shortly after someone follows a link to my blog from a search page, and crawl through various random pages of it.

Since coming to Ilsan, I’ve become very discouraged about some aspects of my “stay in Korea project” – as might be evident reading between the lines (or simply reading the lines, at times) of the blog. Whatever I do next – whether I stay or move on to some other thing – I will continue posting here. It’s cathartic, and entertaining, and it’s a good self-discipline, too. Since the beginning of this year (2012) I’ve posted twice a day.

Sometimes the posts are boring and self-indulgent journaling. Sometimes they’re random “found online” things: videos, pictures, humor, politics, poetry, philosophy. Sometimes they’re evidence of my dilettante’s approach to languages. Regardless, the whole of it is not that different in principle from the paper journals I maintained for much of my life before the advent of blogdom – and I don’t mind others reading along: the transparency is purgative. Which isn’t to say there isn’t some self-editing going on – of course there is. It therefore becomes a sort of self-creation, too. Or self-curation, anyway.

Anyway, thanks to whoever happens to be reading. ^_^


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Caveat: Zombie Hearts

Best Valentine's love-message ever:

"I love you like zombies love brains."

I saw that somewhere online. I must remember this quote – I can use it, should I ever fall in love again.

I had a pretty good day at work today, but I feel really tired – I have 6 1/2 classes (the half is a sort of tutoring thing I do before my first class). I have all these little tasks hanging over me, though. Having a full class load allowed me to avoid them, in good conscience – but they'll be back with a vengeance tomorrow, when a lighter class load will require me to confront them.

Caveat: che quanto piace al mondo è breve sogno

Voi ch'ascoltate in rime sparse il suono
di quei sospiri ond'io nudriva 'l core
in sul mio primo giovenile errore,
quand'era in parte altr'uom da quel ch' i' sono,

del vario stile in ch'io piango e ragiono,
fra le vane speranze e 'l van dolore,
ove sia chi per prova intenda amore,
spero trovar pietà, non che perdono.

Ma ben veggio or sí come al popol tutto
favola fui gran tempo, onde sovente
di me mesdesmo meco mi vergogno;

e del mio vaneggiar vergogna è 'l frutto,
e 'l pentersi, e 'l conoscer chiaramente
che quanto piace al mondo è breve sogno.

– Canzioniere di FRANCESCO PETRARCA (1304-1374)

Caveat: Four Distinct Seasons

The weather felt spring-like, today. Above freezing, breezy – still cold, I guess, but a different feeling about it.

I have been in a sort of state of hibernation, these last months, I guess. Or avoidance. I came home to my apartment this evening, finished off some leftover borshch, watched some music videos on youtube.

I've started reading a book of Korean history. I was reading the introduction, where the author (a Korean historian? – the book is clearly a translation from Korean) explained in one paragraph that because Korea has four distinct seasons, the Korean people are strong. Does a Korean historian actually believe this? How does this pass for historiography? Somehow this concept is an article of faith among the Korean people, which they learn in elementary school and which they all believe, in somewhat the same way that Italians believe in the Holy Trinity. Personally, I find them about equally plausible as matters of fact.

Caveat: The Story About The Time I Got Shot At While I Was Riding A Horse

I often tell slightly edited but mostly truthful stories from my life to my students, as a kind of reward at the end of a good class. I’ve had an interesting life, and so some of the stories are pretty remarkable, I suppose. One of the stories that the students seem to most enjoy is The Story About The Time I Got Shot At While I Was Riding A Horse.

I really did get shot at while riding on a horse – but the bullet missed. Here is a slightly less-edited version of this autobiographical cowboy story.

After I quit my job in Mexico City in January of 1987, I went to visit a friend of mine named Jon who was living at that time in Morelia, in Michoacan state, about 8 hours by bus west of Mexico City. Jon was actually quite a bit older than me, but he sort of treated me as a younger brother. So we hung out for a while in Morelia, and one day he made an outrageous proposal. Well, actually, he made many outrageous proposals, but this is one outrageous proposal that I actually assented to, and this was it: we should buy some horses and travel around the mountains of Michoacan by horseback for a few months.

We did that. We bought horses (quite inexpensive in rural Mexico in the 80’s) and some low-tech camping gear, and we played cowboys in the mountains. We met many Mexicans, and even Native Americans (in that part of Michoacan, they were P’urep’echa indians, known sometimes as Tarascos). We visited villages which were not connected to civilization by automobile. We found scorpions in our shoes and drank raw eggs mixed with coca-cola, which seemed to be a sort of local delicacy, offered by gap-toothed farmers by way of hospitality.

We met a tribe of American exiles (superannuated draft-dodgers) and Mexican hippies living on a farm in a town called Ihuatzio, and while my friend Jon flirted with resuming his previously defeated drug habit, I read back issues of Co-Evolution quarterly and Mexican comic books about Condorito and a battered copy of El Poema de Mio Cid, which conveniently had the 12th century Spanish and modern Spanish translations on facing pages.

After some time in Ihuatzio, we continued on around the Lago Patzcuaro to a town which was called, if I recall correctly, Santa Fulana de Tal, or something in that vein. Now, I should first explain, that my friend Jon had acquired a puppy. It was a husky, dirty white in coloration, which Jon, in his infinite naivite, dubbed “Negrita.” Negrita, unfortunately, although funny in a punny sort of way for a white dog, is a very bad idea for a name for your dog, becaues “negrita” is a way to call the attention of a woman of low-repute, in that part of Mexico: “Ey, negrita, negrita!” means something like “Hey, bitch,” or “Hey, baby.” That kind of thing. Or you could remark on the not-quite-accidental etymological relation it bears to a certain English-language slur, too.

So in this village named Santa Fulana de Tal, Negrita the dog ran off, and Jon, in his infinite naivite, began yelling at the top of his voice, “Negrita, negrita!”

Let’s just say, this was a bad idea.

Several of the women on the street appeared alarmed. It was a conservative village, where people came through on horseback frequently enough, but where gringos on horseback yelling “negrita” after their dogs where perhaps less well-known. One of the women who were inadvertently being offended by Jon’s yelling (and yes, I was yelling the name too, honestly, though I should have known better – my Spanish was better than Jon’s) had a husband or father who overheard this yelling, and this man decided to take offense.

Unfortunately, he was drunk.

Unfortunately, he had a gun, and so he decided to begin shooting at us.

Fortunately, he was drunk.

Fortunately, his aim was therefore really terrible. He hit my shoe. He hit Jon’s foot, with a graze. He was shooting low. For all I know, he hit a horse, though we found no wound on the horses later. Jon’s horse ditched him, leaving Jon sprawled on the cobblestone. My horse ran like the dickens, but I held on tightly. Several kilometers later, feeling more like Paul Revere than ever before or since, my horse stopped.

When Jon finally caught up to me, later, he blamed me for abandoning him. I said it was the horse’s fault, and I was just along for the ride. I blamed him for so stupidly naming the dog. Jon said I was saying the dog’s name too, and if I knew the dog’s name was offensive, why didn’t I say anything. I said that I had said something, but that Jon had been too drug-addled to pay attention at that time. And so we argued, for a while, there on the side of that hill among some scrub and cactus.

Our friendship effectively ended, that day. I ceded ownership of the horse to Jon, forfeiting my investment. I walked up the hill to a local road, and found a bus back to Mexico City.

My passport was stolen later that same week. It was a bad week. By the end of the month, I was back in Minneapolis. But it was a grand conclusion to my year-and-a-half in Mexico.

What I’m listening to right now.

Mexican Institute of Sound, “Mi negra a bailal.”

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Caveat: Headaches, Imagined and Real

Little Yedam was pretending to have a terrible headache. But she wasn't really that sick – every time I looked away, she would resume wiggling and bouncing and avoiding her chair. Her classmate would remind her: "don't you have a headache?" (in Korean). Yedam would resume her agonized chair sprawl.

Then she got excited when she was reading out loud to me, and she began jumping up and down. She hit her head on the windowsill by accident.

"지금 정말 머리 아파! [now my head hurts for real!]" she revealed.

Caveat: اللغة العربية

pictureI tend to avoid thinking about Middle Eastern politics. It’s mostly depressing – the same way that I find Mexican politics so discouraging, maybe. But I was listening to some news reports, and then saw the video below and was feeling a twinge of optimism. Just because it makes things seem more “human,” maybe. Regardless, it set me to contemplating studying Arabic again – I studied اللغة العربية for a semester in 1996, during my time in graduate school. I’ve always thought it’s a beautiful language. Arabic was a major historical influence on Spanish, which is what I was majoring in for grad school – mabye on par with the influence of Norwegian on English, perhaps. I’ve forgotten most of it now. I can’t remember how to type it, for example – I cheated and used google translate to make that smattering of it in my title.

Anytime I contemplate studying some other language, though, I immediately realize the interest is largely being driven my feelings of despair vis-a-vis learning the Korean Language. So here I go, grumping about it again.

What I’m listening to right now.

West Elbalad (Egyptian group), “Voice of Freedom.” It’s a pretty good song, anyway.

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Caveat: Epiphania Berzerk

I was walking to work today, and feeling stressed. And a pair of tracks from Apoptygma Berzerk came through my mp3 player, and I had an epiphanic moment.

Those Apoptygma Berzerk tunes were part of my "crisis soundtrack" during the difficult fall of 2008, when I was working at LBridge and hating my decision to be in Korea, hating my job, just generally really stressing out. And during that time, I made some decisions about how I would organize my life and prioritize things and indentify what was important, which I began slowly to implement. Today, I realized I'd mostly carried through with those "promises to myself" – not in terms of goals so much as in the manner in which I would live my life.

The fact is, my job is very nearly the least stressful job I've ever had. Not because it's inherently unstressful, but because I've made it that way.

"But why is it, then," I asked myself, "that I'm feeling so stressed lately?"

The job has nothing to do with my stress. And unlike in Yeonggwang last year, the auxiliaries of the job – housing, location, social context – those things aren't stressing me, either. Those things are much more stable here in Ilsan, and most definitely much more under my control. I would hazard to guess that if I had to look at things carefully, my job is actually a net stress reducer. The kids (except for certain ones who must remain unnamed, here) wash away my stress and make me feel happy.

So, then. Where is this stress coming from? I can know, easily enough (and what a Konglishy turn of phrase that is, yet it comes so naturally to me, now). That was my breakthrough, today.

I'm making this stress for myself. It's about those personal goals, personal self-perceptions, and how those aren't working out for me.

I have set goals such as "learn Korean," that I can't seem to do. I feel unhealthy, and rather than work harder or make behavioral changes to get healthier, I stress out over how I'm unhealthy. I even beat myself up for not meditating. As if… as if getting angry over not meditating would bring me closer to inner peace, right?

I've got all of these stressors in my life, but they're not from my job, for the most part. They're traps of my own devising.

This is only a breakthrough in the sense that I thought it all through from start to end today, with a high degree of clarity (not to mention a dose or two of ironic self-honesty). I've not been unaware of these things. And… to announce here that I've "figured it out" is only another invitation to stress out later when it doesn't lead to some improved lifestyle change, I suppose. But This Here Blog Thingy (the runner-up title for Caveatdumptruck – jus' sayin') is nothing if not a place where I can unlaconically overshare my personal mental hygiene activities. So there.

What I'm listening to right now.

Apoptygma Berzerk, "In This Together."

Caveat: Never Let Me Down

As is generally the case, I was letting my mp3 files cycle on shuffle on my computer, providing an utterly randomized soundtrack to my rather-dull-yet-lucid life.

Sometimes I hear things I don't even know I own. Often, actually – I'm a compulsive downloader and collector of music, and I will download things on impulse and drop them into the infinite music folder of my soul, and forget I've done it.

This morning, suddenly a version of Depeche Mode's "Never Let Me Down" came around. Sort of a metal/gothic remake. I used to live in a Depeche Mode-only mode, and I still get thrown into a very dark, nostalgic mood when I hear anything by them. But this remake, by a German group called Farmer Boys, was excellent, since it wasn't so nostalgia-inducing in that way, while still capturing the awesomeness of the original song. I listened to it about 5 times.

What I'm listening to right now.

Farmer Boys, "Never Let Me Down." The video is cheesy and dumb, though.

For reference, here's the DM original.

Depeche Mode, "Never Let Me Down." Perhaps it deserves mention that this song is very likely about heroin addiction – a topic that has a particular strong, strange, and deeply personal resonance for me, but not for precisely the obvious reason you would assume. Perhaps someday in the future (or past) I will explain. Here are the lyrics, which would make this observation more clear.

I'm taking a ride
With my best friend
I hope he never lets me down again
He knows where he's taking me
Taking me where I want to be
I'm taking a ride
With my best friend

We're flying high
We're watching the world pass us by
Never want to come down
Never want to put my feet back down
On the ground

I'm taking a ride
With my best friend
I hope he never lets me down again
Promises me I'm as safe as houses
As long as I remember who's wearing the trousers
I hope he never lets me down again

Never let me down

See the stars they're shining bright
Everything's alright tonight

Caveat: 모로 가도 서울만 가면 된다

모로      가도    서울만      가면   된다
sideways go-even seoul-only go-if becomes
Even going sideways one will only get to Seoul.

I’m not sure about the grammar of the last part – it seems to be a kind of periphrastic future using the verb 되다 (become). Regardless, this seems to offer a number of possible proverbial meanings. At first, it seemed to mean “All roads lead to Rome.” But looking it up, you also see offered “The ends justify the means,” as well as “It doesn’t matter which way you take to reach your destination.” These all seem related.

Yesterday I must have gone sideways into the subway, because I ended up in Seoul. But that doesn’t seem to happen much, as I commented – perhaps I don’t go sideways often enough?

Why do I spend so much time studying grammar, when it’s vocabulary that’s my problem? Because I enjoy studying grammar, whereas vocabulary causes me pain.

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Caveat: I go into Seoul less often now than when I lived in Glory

It's official.

I made it into Seoul about once every two months when I lived down in Yeonggwang-gun (Glory County). Last night, I went into the city to a bookstore, and realized the last time I'd taken the subway beyond Ilsan was back in October – 3 or 4 months ago. So it's official – I don't go into the city much, despite citing that as a reason for liking living here.

I guess in some ways most of the city things I like and value are already present in suburban (but very dense compared to US suburbs) Ilsan (Goyang-si). Things are walkable, first and foremost.

Anyway, I'm not really thinking very interestingly, lately. So that's that. More later.

Caveat: Charity

One of my advanced elementary students had an ingenious if somewhat cruel plan for helping the homeless people for which Seoul Station is somewhat notorious. He said he would make counterfeit money and give it to them when they beg for it. This would get them arrested, he explained, and they would end up in jail. In jail, he explained, they would have a warm bed, better meals, and help with their alcoholism. I decided not to disillusion him by discussing the fact that it's still quite common in Korea for police to beat up suspects, etc. He's speaking to an idealized notion of what the police should be as he is to any actual reality, obviously.

Obviously, I can't endorse this idea. It's got aspects that seem both immoral and inhumane. But… You've got to give him credit for creative problem-solving.

Caveat: The Other Point Of View

Why does it take The Onion to provide genuine insight into the other point of view in the alleged Iranian nuclear crisis?

TEHRAN—Amidst mounting geopolitical tensions, Iranian officials said Wednesday they were increasingly concerned about the United States of America's uranium-enrichment program, fearing the Western nation may soon be capable of producing its 8,500th nuclear weapon. "Our intelligence estimates indicate that, if it is allowed to progress with its aggressive nuclear program, the United States may soon possess its 8,500th atomic weapon capable of reaching Iran," said Iranian foreign minister Ali Akbar Salehi, adding that Americans have the fuel, the facilities, and "everything they need" to manufacture even more weapons-grade fissile material. "Obviously, the prospect of this happening is very distressing to Iran and all countries like Iran. After all, the United States is a volatile nation that's proven it needs little provocation to attack anyone anywhere in the world whom it perceives to be a threat." Iranian intelligence experts also warned of the very real, and very frightening, possibility of the U.S. providing weapons and resources to a rogue third-party state such as Israel.

Caveat: 심심해서

I have a sixth-grade student named Yungyeong who hits me all the time. Not hard hitting – it’s that kind of reflexive, playful, ‘oh I’m just kidding around’ slap that some people seem to adopt as a way to reduce the awkwardness or formality of interactions. It’s a little bit annoying, although I also accept it as a rather inept, low-level expression of trust on the part of the student, and in that way, I’m even flattered by it. We were discussing my alligator (the green plastic Chinese alligator) before class, and she did it again – whack, on my arm.

“Why do you always hit me?” I asked.

“심심해서,” she protested immediately. [Cuz I’m bored]. And she whacked my arm again.

What a perfect sixth-grader answer.

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Caveat: otra fuerza de que tu cuerpo es hoy cárcel

    El viento y el alma

Con tal vehemencia el viento
viene del mar, que sus sones
elementales contagian
el silencio de la noche.

Solo en tu cama le escuchas
insistente en los cristales
tocar, llorando y llamando
como perdido sin nadie.

Mas no es él quien en desvelo
te tiene, sino otra fuerza
de que tu cuerpo es hoy cárcel,
fue viento libre, y recuerda.

– Luis Cernuda

Es posible que algun libro de poemas de Cernuda fue el primer libro de poesía que leí en español. Algo comprado en las calles del DF en 86 or 87. No es mi poeta favorito, pero por eso si ocupa un lugar único en mi desarrollo literario.

Caveat: 바늘도둑이 소도둑이 된다

바늘    도둑이      소  도둑이      된다
needle thief-SUBJ cow thief-SUBJ becomes
A needle thief [eventually] becomes a cow thief.

Cow_thief_by_ccc7ccc-d4m60qnThis wasn’t to hard to translate – the verb is simple, the nouns straightforward. But what does it mean, proverbially? It’s the slippery slope argument, or the “gateway drug” argument. Starting small will still lead to perdition. Possibly true.

I think the literal version of this would make an interesting short story, about a needle thief becoming a cow thief – better yet, while retaining his virtue. Or maybe a cow-thieving alien, who started out as a needle-thieving alien (see right).

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Caveat: Sledding

pictureThe below picture is of my niece Sarah and nephew James, who live in Colorado. My sister posted it on facebook – I hope she doesn’t mind if I share it here. The picture is just like a Calvin & Hobbes image. So amazing, awesome action shot.




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Caveat: Ya es muy tarde

pictureI made curried broccoli, using some Thai green curry paste and spices and onions and coconut milk.

Después, lo comí.




What I’m listening to right now.

Pastilla, “Colores.”


Ya es muy tarde
No es tan tarde
Espera un poco
Espera un ratito
Dame tu mano
Nada importa
Etamos solos
Yetás mojada.
Cuando todo es de color
El azul es el mejor
Cuando quieras descubrir
Y tu piel quieras abrir
Cuando todo te va mal
Piensa solo en mi voz
Toma una navaja
Y córtate las venas.
Por la mañana
Abres los ojos…
Y te levantas
Te tomas un baño
Llama un taxi
Hacia el estudio
Todos te esperan
Yestan enojados

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Caveat: 발 없는 말이 천리 길 간다

발   없는        말이              천리          길      간다
foot not-having horse(word)-SUBJ thousand-mile journey goes
A horse with no feet [still] travels a 1000 miles.

pictureThis is based on the pun on the fact the word for horse and the word for “word” are the same: 말 [mal]. So a “horse with no feet” is a word, or a rumor. It’s the idea that “rumors fly.” It wasn’t too hard to figure out, except I had to read something to figure out that the pun was going on. I just got the horse with no feet, but I suppose I’d have eventually figured out the pun.

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