Caveat: Damn That Television

For someone who doesn’t own a television, I sure seem to be watching a lot of TV lately.

pictureI have been watching a Korean rom-com drama called 아직도 결혼하고 싶은 여자 [the woman who still wants to get married]. It’s better than that last one I watched (내조의 여왕), but I’ve kind of reached a lull of interest in that show.

pictureSo then I started watching episodes of the American series called Heroes (from 2006~10), which I remember catching a few early episodes from back when I was still in the U.S. It’s definitely got a lot of plot twists and turns. And the strange thing is that I’m also currently trying to work my way through Murakami’s novel Kafka on the Shore, which has some almost eerie match-ups with the series in terms of themes or atmospherics. They’re both, ultimately and essentially, magic-realist oeuvres – one low-brow, the other high-brow.

pictureAnd then I also started a Chilean historical/vampire drama called Conde Vrolok, which seems quite atrocious, but it managed to hook me in somehow. And it’s funny, but the streaming (and free) video from Chile is much higher quality than the streaming (paid) video from the U.S. affiliate of Korea’s MBC. Go figure.

I suppose I like that I’m essentially watching 3 series in parallel, in 3 different languages. It feels very language-geeky.

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