Caveat: Random Poem #120

(Poem #421 on new numbering scheme)

So let's not speak of cities' meanings till
we understand their impositions, vast
and artful, such that dreams are burned against
the teeming complications landscapes have.

Caveat: Random Poem #116 “Love sonnet”

(Poem #417 on new numbering scheme)

An unrequited love is best of all
because there are no compromises urged
because no complications will befall
because right from the start all hopes are purged.
Imagined generosities prevent
the flowering of jealousies unreal,
and finally the heart's desires are spent
in crafting verse the voice must not reveal.
Yet all along, new meanings can be made:
from castles, pure and abstract, words are flung
and later when those ramparts start to fade,
an apophenic anthem can be sung.
It's easy, then, to pine for that that's not;
and simple, too, to leave it: just a thought.

– a sonnet in iambic pentameter.

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Caveat: Random Poem #114

(Poem #415 on new numbering scheme)

The woman sitting next to me at work
is very sad these days. Her sister's life
is running out because an alien
has moved in. Cancer's staked a vicious claim.
I guess she's not so happy seeing me.
She'll think, "But why was he preserved while mine
will perish? Does my fate abhor what's fair?"
I sit with awkward silence. What to say?

Caveat: Random Poem #112

(Poem #413 on new numbering scheme)

Hey, grab those verbs and make it happen - now.
Put nouns in too, to give it substance, please.
Then decorate with some nice adjectives,
and throw in function words as ornaments.

[daily log: walking, 1.5km]

Caveat: Random Poem #109

(Poem #410 on new numbering scheme)

The little girl's black shirt said "optimist,"
but she was frowning with the saddest face
that one could possibly imagine. So...
dad joked, but failed to get the least result.

[daily log: walking, 3km]

Caveat: Random Poem #108

(Poem #409 on new numbering scheme)

The central part of Brisbane seems to me
not so unlike the kind of city found
across America; not famous ones
but rather boring cities full of cars
and buses and historic buildings now
just banks and farmers' kids who've fled their towns
because the dust and sun no longer give
them any hope - the city, though, is not
so big, yet people don't know who you are.

Caveat: Random Poem #106

(Poem #407 on new numbering scheme)

I walked on highways made from earth and smoke,
Congealed by time's long thoughtful discourses:
A dreamlike, dark assemblage faintly seen,
Engravings wide inscribed on broken stones,
Tectonic disputations, spoken gaps
Between the layers stacked up deep in dreams,
Abstractions merely cast away by stars,
Untouchable lost ages all arrayed
Like heaven's bland mementoes filed away,
And sun-slaked silt that's filled up ancient seas;
Constraints all drawn like lines upon a map
To paint the present's smooth soliloquies.

Caveat: Random Poem #105

(Poem #406 on new numbering scheme)

An ancient blueness dwelt beneath the day;
and leaves were lifted to the sun and moon
without regard for what the earthlings say:
those moody trees might fly away so soon.
The cool green frog announced her patient tune;
a bird or ten sang songs in answer, then;
the stones partook with geologic swoon;
the clouds were only dreaming it again.
Some grasping stars told all the plants that when
they dared to push against the ground, arising
up heavenward like ghosts in unison;
they'd show the world their strength, uncompromising.
But plants are slow to act despite their needs.
And finally they only hum, just reeds.
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