Caveat: Poem #536

The emperor doesn't care that he's naked.
He's like, check this shit out, man, and fuck you all.

This "poem" is at great variance from my typical approach for making a poem. But it appeared spontaneously in my blotter – my ongoing note-taking document where my poems typically appear. And I decided to just go ahead and include it. I still consider it poetry, though of a different register.

Caveat: Poem #527

The long week
stretches ahead.
Though I like my work,
Sometimes I start feeling
stuck, frustrated, and doubtful,
about my actual teaching.
Wanting to be good isn't enough.

Caveat: Poem #525

The snow doesn't come when it's forecast,
instead it waits and just sneaks in
at those unexpected times
between the days and hours,
at the welds of time.
No one sees it:
the sky fills…
motes of

Caveat: Poem #524

Certain flaws of character
tattooed on the skin of the soul
and borne agonistically
through the beautiful world
without compromise or clarity.

This poem, unlike most of my daily efforts so far, has no meter. It's free verse.

[daily log: walking, 7.5km]

Caveat: Poem #522

The conversation takes a wrong turn.
The mood slips down into a mode
of a defensive anger.
Words then transform themselves
into parries, thrusts.
Whence this attack?

Caveat: Poem #520

The doctor's office was still the same.
"I don't see anything," he said,
looking at the CT scan,
and pushing on the mouse.
I felt the tension
rush out of me.
I could breathe.
He smiled.

– a nonnet.

Caveat: Poem #510

I said to them "Let's choose a song to do,
that everyone agrees is fun to learn."
They wasted over fifteen minutes while
deciding what they thought would be the best,
and then at last we started through the song…
a hand shot up: "This song is boring! Stop!"

[daily log: walking, 7.5km]

Caveat: Poem #505

I have two neighbors, who both, it seems,
like to make noise. One plays keyboard,
repeating the same bland tune.
The other cleans her floor
with a rattling
floor sweeper thing.
Today, they
were in

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