ㅁ The seagulls watched the sea, congregated, and having fed, then felt free to just see what they could see.
– an englyn penfyr [UPDATE: this englyn penfyr has a mistake – it breaks the rules. I’ve decided to leave it anyway].
ㅁ The seagulls watched the sea, congregated, and having fed, then felt free to just see what they could see.
– an englyn penfyr [UPDATE: this englyn penfyr has a mistake – it breaks the rules. I’ve decided to leave it anyway].
ㅁ The mouse ventured in. There on the floor, a small snack. Oops, the snack attacked!
ㅁ What is the end result of this thing? The whole is unsustainable. Can we even specify? Perhaps we should discuss. As a group, I mean. All us snowflakes: we're falling, soulless, lost.
ㅁ And it came to pass that the morning dawned with rain and the ghosts were cleaned.
ㅁ And it came to pass the trees, stones and brooding sea all sang their sad songs.
ㅁ The dawn came, rainless. Well, what kind of place is this? I felt quite confused.
ㅁ The forecast said rain. Sometimes the forecast is right. Like, when it says rain.
ㅁ Long ago, the sun had a garden. She worked her hands in the damp earth. Sometimes the stars helped with seeds. The green things flourished, there. The moon watched, jealous. One night, she crept. She sent clouds. It rained. Flood.
ㅁ -> . . . ) Memoirs of the Architect ? {Post title} When the calico cat on the couch fades in the slanted rays of the wintersun And when the streets outside the window reach not for home but for their origins Gentle, gentle, do my tears come. Without the calculus of my memory to guide those tears Without the nurture of my once heroic imaginings Quiet, quiet, the pain slips heavily. Toward anger . Time the . out Knife . of slips time home. lost, Cannot, for whatever reason, That these viscous drops of blood are mine. And so bloodied a knife in my trembling hand Call me to mind, A japanese garden I once saw in a photograph which I perceived with an ambition to become an architect. A designer of my struggling end. Little pebbles, little pebbles meaning . for . nought Quiet . 11/17/83 JARED There's no eagerness here. Nor will it ever come to pass But in the thick, timid soul of the non-architect. There. It is irremediable. ( . . . ->
– a free-form poem, which I wrote in the Fall of 1983 – in mid-November – the evidence is right in the text, for this one. Back around 2010, I posted this under my “retroblogging” category (at the appropriate date), but I’ve thought to occasionally include these ancient efforts in my “daily poem” category so that they will eventually be included in a book. This poem appears to commemorate the exact moment in my youth when I gave up my childhood dream of becoming an architect. I’m not sure why I gave up that dream – it seems to have been largely a function of lack-of-self-confidence and laziness.
ㅁ The bird hopped along through the tree's outstretched branches, too busy to sing.
ㅁ The tree thrust its branches out, awaiting fate and feeling late, feeling doubt, unwilling to give a shout.
ㅁ Through the night it snows. Then during the day it rains. Net result: damp slush.