ㅁ So, in the morning, snow had taken possession of all the forest.
– a pseudo-haiku.
ㅁ Some snow might come and make things white, and smooth out nature's lines. But then the rain will follow that, and slushify those pines.
– a quatrain in ballad meter.
ㅁ In the dream: old walls... tumbled, fell, self-destructed... and nothing was left.
– a pseudo-haiku.
ㅁ Today's "Don't Do List": Don't compose pointless haiku. Don't stare at your screen.
– a pseudo-haiku.
ㅁ Kiamon couldn't forgive herself, then. Warm, springlike weather was rampant, again. She'd been upset at a stranger's request; Lurking anxiety'd made her quite stressed.
– a quatrain in dactylic tetrameter. One of a series of chronologically random quatrains about the protagonist of a novel I never make much progress on.
ㅁ Three months in shadow. But then the sun clears the ridge... photons find the earth.
– a pseudo-haiku.
ㅁ No. We can't. It's too hard. Impossible. Unreasonable. So don't even ask us. On the other hand, there's this. It's a fine product, with AI. We burned a lot of coal making it.
– a reverse nonnet.
ㅁ I feel a bit lost, slogging through these recent weeks. Dreams have taken charge.
– a pseudo-haiku.
ㅁ I awake too early, yet again. The worries displace the thick dreams, which nevertheless linger, so worries about work are flavored with ghosts disconsolate and surreal remnant webs
– a nonnet.
ㅁ So. Holy, holy, holy, holy... the potholed road of Port Saint Nick an old stretch of tree-lined road beside the rolling sea on rainy muskeg in Alaska where I live alone. So.
– a nonnet.
ㅁ In the dream, a robot read my blog... was moved to write a disco song. The song provided backing to subsequent events, including crashes, mad truck races, woodworking, aimless talks..
– a nonnet.
ㅁ I craved great power... a poem for an admin: sudo cat haiku
– a sudo-haiku. A note of explanation: this haiku is an inside joke, for those familiar with linux system administration.
ㅁ Like drizzle but frozen: the snow had come, a slow world-filling, tree and stone covering, gradual envelopment, muting the atmosphere's flavors, leaving the territory all blurred.
– a reverse nonnet
ㅁ so at last it happened snow made contact piled up on the ground not really that deep though still I got the shovel out and scraped the powder off the steps left footprints across the neighborhood
– a reverse nonnet
ㅁ They came and cleansed the dirty sea: ambitious clouds and rain. They came and washed the roads and trees: this path became a drain.
– a quatrain in ballad meter.