ㅁ my greenhouse awaits A sunny day to warm it the radish seeds sleep
Category: Haikuish Objects
Caveat: Poem #1333 “The lost continent”
Caveat: Poem #1321 “Apprehending the world around us”
ㅁ Ice paved the beaches. The sun attempted to climb. A strong breeze crept through.
Caveat: Poem #1291 “My recent biography”
Caveat: Poem #1286 “Ends sought”
Streams run down past rocks, spray drops, carve paths through earth, stone, fight time, wait for ends.
Caveat: Poem #1285 “The eastbound ducks”
Stones drink purple light. Snow melts and crawls off downhill. Ducks swim slowly east.
Caveat: Poem #1284 “Later”
Caveat: Poem #1283 “Not the rock we had in mind”
Caveat: Poem #1282 “Wintery morning”
Caveat: Poem #1281 “Self-skepticism”
Caveat: Poem #1280 “Setting standards”
Caveat: Poem #1279 “That duck is out of its comfort zone”
Caveat: Poem #1278 “The uselessness of syntax”
Caveat: Poem #1277 “Theoretical constructs”
Caveat: Poem #1276 “Morning stuff”
Caveat: Poem #1275 “An occupied territory
Caveat: Poem #1274 “설날”
Caveat: Poem #1273 “Things that ghosts do”
ghosts emerge from night taste the damp soil, dance on stones, make dark suggestions
Caveat: Poem #1272 “A migratory reality”
Caveat: Poem #1269 “Beepity-boop”
Caveat: Poem #1267 “Rain will melt the snow”
Caveat: Poem #1266 “The clacking sound of the muse”
Caveat: Poem #1265 “Things that are given”
Caveat: Poem #1264 “What to think”
Caveat: Poem #1263 “The air”
Caveat: Poem #1262 “A new sport”
Caveat: Poem #1260 “Frost on snow”
the sky cleared, air chilled a thickness fell among trees frost formed on fresh snow