Caveat: Poem #2998 “Fall’s flight”

The seagull sat, observing things.
 The tide, the rocks, a swimming fish.
A duck that ducked, some rippling rings.

The seagull sat, observing things.
 I wonder if the bird might wish
that Fall was slower with its wings.

The seagull sat, observing things.
 The tide, the rocks, a swimming fish.

– a triolet.

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Caveat: Poem #2991 “Submission”

The wind whipped rain, and caused a feeling:
 a vague, pathetic fallacy
took hold of me, and left me reeling.

The storm pushed rain, and gave a feeling:
 nostalgia gripped, my soul was dealing,
bowed down to nature's papacy.

The storm pushed rain, and gave a feeling:
 a vague, pathetic fallacy.

– a triolet.

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Caveat: Poem #2985 “Antumnos”

The otherworld unleashed its dogs;
 they chased us through the timeless trees.
We fled and jumped those ancient logs.

The otherworld unleashed its dogs.
 We fell and tasted moss and bogs.
The murky water grasped our knees.
The otherworld unleashed its dogs;
 they chased us through the timeless trees.

– a triolet.

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