Caveat: Poem #1400 “An excursion in the boat”

A fleet of otters
Took possession of waters
Just east of San Juan
We saw some whales there
In the small cove at Black Beach
Diving and spouting
An eagle was perched
On a stone near an alder
Supervising things 
Oceanic swells
Crept up Ursua Channel 
Tasting all the boats 
Jellyfish sliced by
Reflecting sporadic light
Through the greenish murk
Some white bellied ducks
Swam in lazy formation
Amid stray sparkles
The surging sea rolled
At San Ignacio's south
Gnawing fine gray rocks
The sun hid itself
The clouds made intricate plans
To send us their rain
Another eagle
Floated above the whitecaps
Then knelt; caught a fish
No fish saw our hooks
Instead we dreamed about them
The sea sang its depths

– a collection of pseudo-haiku forming stanzas in a longer poem.

Caveat: Poem #1383 “The cartographer’s creation”

fictional settings   urban landscapes   distant mountains
alternate places

ghostly buildings   impossible canyons   angelic bridges
immaterial places

misplaced forests   migratory cities   shifting oceans
errant places

The places I draw
that I imagine
take shape
make little movements
and progress
and become

curving lines   baroque grids   linear arabesques
imagined maps

– a quennet.

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