…I don’t really believe that.
But I figured with a clean, fresh operating system on my computer, I also needed a clean, fresh desk. So I cleaned it. I don’t do that very often, so I’m happy. I got a “two monitor” setup working, too. Actually I never saw the appeal of that (it’s popular with a lot of programmers and gamers), but I thought I’d give it a try.
Category: My Photos
Caveat: Tree #66
Caveat: Tree #65
This is a tree.
Arthur said, “didn’t you already take a picture of that tree?”
I said, “No, it was that other tree.”
Actually, I wasn’t sure. Anyway, at least this one’s from a different angle.
[daily log: walking, 4km]
Caveat: Tree #64
Caveat: Tree #63
Caveat: Tree #62
Caveat: Poem #947 “Discarded”
Caveat: Tree #61
This is a young tree growing out of a log in a boggy spot that’s frozen over.
[daily log: walking, 3.5km]
Caveat: Tree #60
Caveat: Tree #59
Caveat: Tree #58
This tree is just south of the southern (uphill) property line.
[daily log: walking, 4km; tromping, 300m]
Caveat: Tree #57
Caveat: Tree #56
Caveat: Departures
This morning I saw my brother Andrew off at the Klawock Airport.
Here is a slightly fuzzy photo taken by Arthur.
Yesterday, Andrew and I tried out my ice skates on the frozen pond at the place beside the road that I call “Rockpit City Park.” Of course, he’s a much better skater than I am – even in skates that were a bit too small for his feet.
Later, when Arthur and I took a daily walk down the road, I took this picture of a mountain peeking out beyond trees beyond the road.
Caveat: Tree #55
This is kinda faking it, for a tree. It used to be a tree, right? Or if that doesn’t work for you, you could select one of the ones in the background.
[daily log: walking, 3km; tromping, 500m]
Caveat: Tree #54
This tree is one of the ones I’m thinking I’ll attach my treehouse to. I’ve laid the board up there to get a feel for how it might fit.
[daily log: walking, 2km]
Caveat: Tree #53
Caveat: Tromp-o-mania
Today my brother Andrew and I took a hike. We went out into the “backyard” – which is to say, up the mountain behind my uncle’s house. There is no trail. Nothing. People don’t go up there, for the most part – except every few decades to log trees, and occasional hunters.
We just kept walking uphill. Mostly a southward bearing, leaning a bit southwestward. I used the GPS on my phone to take regular bearings, every few hundred feet. And we tied plastic ribbon on branches to mark our path, too, which was useful for finding our way back down the hill.
Here is a screenshot of the navigation app I used, with all the little pink waypoints.
I took some pictures, and so did Andrew. The hillside got snowier as we went up, but easier, too, because even deep snow is easier than the really thick underbrush of the lower slopes, and once you get into the old growth trees higher up, there is much less underbrush.
Caveat: Tree #52
Caveat: Tree #51
Here is a tree I saw yesterday.
Andrew, Art and I went out in the boat today.
[daily log: walking, 1km]
Caveat: Tree #49
Caveat: Tree #48
Caveat: Tree #47
Caveat: Tree #46
Caveat: Tree #45
I had a difficult day. I didn’t take a picture of a tree. But I have an archive. A tree from before the recent snow.
[daily log: walking, 1.5km]
Caveat: Tree #44
Caveat: Tree #43
A tree up along the southern property line, with Sunnahae in the background.
[daily log: walking, 1km]
Caveat: Tree #42
Caveat: Tree #41
Caveat: Prometheus
I have been trying to replenish the firewood supply. The chainsaw unchained itself. I dubbed it ‘Prometheus’.
The whole thing should have terrified me. Yes. I have always understood chainsaws throwing chains to be very dangerous. It happened to me once before – when I was here cutting trees and brush in 1998.
Now that I’m living Arthur’s lifestyle, I find I appreciate one of his chief mottos: “I’d rather be lucky than smart, any day.” Prometheus, indeed.
Here are some other recent pictures I’ve taken.