Caveat: Tree #1825 “Alongside our potholy road”

This tree was alongside our potholy road.


Art and I both had dental exam appointments scheduled this morning, but the the appointments were cancelled because the dentist couldn’t make it to the clinic (he comes from Sitka, he’s not local). They didn’t tell us about this cancellation until we got there, though. So we had a much earlier “shopping day in town” than we normally do, every Thursday.

Then, the moment we got home, around 11 AM, I got a call from the the gift store and had to go back in, to complete a framing project that I had been led to understand was “no hurry” but in fact the customer wanted promptly.

So I did a lot of driving back and forth on our potholy road.

CaveatDumpTruck Logo[daily log: walking, 3km; retailing, 3hr]

Caveat: Tree #1822 “The crooked tree by the ancestor’s grave”

This tree was near an ancestor’s grave in South Korea. I have no idea when I took this picture, but it was before 2014, and it was in Korea.


I had a very exhausting day. Morning at the dentist (always stressful, and I will always stand by my declaration that fighting mouth cancer is more pleasant than the dentist), then a full day at work, moving around mat board (heavy 32″ x 40″ sheets of cardboard) to rearrange my frame shop area at the store.

CaveatDumpTruck Logo[daily log: walking, 5km; retailing, 9hr]

Caveat: Tree #1821 “Longago snow”

This tree was covered in snow. Note that this is not a recent picture – it’s 3 years old. This year, the local trees haven’t experienced being covered with snow.


CaveatDumpTruck Logo[daily log: walking, 5.5km; retailing, 5hr]

Caveat: Tree #1813 “Alder trees disregarding low temperatures”

This tree was disregarding the low temperatures.

I ended up going in to work this morning for a few hours. I had to move around some boxes that had been delivered last night – very heavy so not something I wanted to ask Jan or Kim to do. They included new shipment of picture glass from our framing supplies vendor. I also ended up macgyvering a brand new vacuum cleaner that was (apparently) of quite low quality. I got it working, though.

CaveatDumpTruck Logo[daily log: walking, 3.5km; retailing, 3hr]

Caveat: Tree #1811 “Pending…”

This tree awaited the chilly dawn.


Thursday is shopping day. We went into town, but I ended up spending a bit of time moving some furniture for the store. It was cold today – not the recent “Alaskan tropic” clime.

CaveatDumpTruck Logo[daily log: walking, 4km; retailing, 1hr]

Caveat: Tree #1808 “8:30 AM”

This tree was waiting for a ride into town, this morning.


Colder temperatures cause ice to build up on the gravel road, even without snow or rain… it just sort of materializes out of the air over the days, a kind of compacted layer of heavy frost.

CaveatDumpTruck Logo[daily log: walking, 4km; retailing, 9hr]

Caveat: Tree #1806 “Cold, blue”

This tree saw blue skies. This time of year, blue skies mean the temperature drops. Not seen in this photo: frost on the beach, frozen water droplets on the trees’ branches.


CaveatDumpTruck Logo[daily log: walking, 1km;]

Caveat: Tree #1804 “Snow, but not this year… rather, some previous year”

This tree is a guest tree from my past, but not as far in the past as most guest trees from the past. I took this picture almost exactly 2 years ago, on January 2nd, 2022. This is our driveway, here. Unlike this year, we had a lot of snow. This year… zero snow, so far.


Normally my guest trees from the past are from the time before I started posting tree pics. But I saw this one in my catalog of saved pictures and I had never become a tree pic.

CaveatDumpTruck Logo[daily log: walking, 2.5km;]

Caveat: Tree #1800 “Small and boring”

This tree is small, and boring.


I don’t quite know how I got to an even number of trees on New Years Eve – especially since I started this daily tree thing on January 1st, 2019. So figuring 5 years at 365 days each, plus one included leap year, should give 1826 trees – not 1800.

I obviously messed up counting somewhere in there. I’m an incompetent enumerator of trees, it seems. Either that or there was an unnoticed time warp.

I had been contemplating stopping this tree-counting business, because often the trees feel repetitive. But I like the rhythm of it, and the way it forces me to review each day, even if most days I don’t offer much review: at least it gives me the opportunity and impetus to give a try.

So I’d decided to end the daily tree thing here – I liked the roundness of it: exactly 5 years. But, frankly, it’s not like we’re really out of trees on this planet – there are lots of trees, still. And… This Here Blog Thingy™ appreciates the regularity of it all. Off to another year, then.

CaveatDumpTruck Logo[daily log: walking, 2.5km;]

Caveat: Tree #1798 “Continuing precipitation”

This tree experienced continuing precipitation, while a quite high tide brought the sea closer.


Art had a doctor’s appointment today. Just follow-up and getting all the various specialists in sync with the local doctor, mostly – nothing new or revelatory, though he got a new CT scan of his head, to confirm no new major changes in his brain.

CaveatDumpTruck Logo[daily log: walking, 2km;]

Caveat: Tree #1797 “광주 나무”

This tree is a guest tree from my past. I took this picture near Gwangju City, South Korea, in April, 2010. I was about to start my new job in rural Hongnong (Yeonggwang-eup).


CaveatDumpTruck Logo[daily log: walking, 1.5km;]

Caveat: Tree #1796 “Some snow”

This tree saw snow stick to the ground this morning – that’s first snowfall of the winter, here. But then the snow turned to rain later in the day. Just rain.


Roy the rain-gauge-guy came in the store today, crowing that it was certain we were going to set an annual rainfall total record this year.

CaveatDumpTruck Logo[daily log: walking, 6km; retailing, 9hr]

Caveat: Tree #1794 “The pie”

This tree was on a pie I attempted. Actually, it wasn’t too bad. It was a raspberry-blueberry pie – the blueberries harvested from right around the house here and the raspberries from Wayne who lives in Klawock. So local produce.


Arthur and I went over to our neighbor Penny and Mike’s house for a Christmas brunch. Also there were neighbors Greg and Sue and Brant and Kim.

This picture shows them all, minus me (the photographer).


Clockwise from leftmost: Sue, Penny, Mike, Arthur, Kim, Brandt, Greg.

CaveatDumpTruck Logo[daily log: walking, 1km;]

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