This tree registered a complaint with the relevant authorities regarding the apparent continuation of winter.
Day: February 23, 2022
Caveat: 굶는 집
굶는 집 다섯식구 옥순이 아버지 옥순이 어머니 옥순이 옥순이 동생 옥순이 둘째 동생 더 낳을 힘 없어 둘째가 막내인지 배고파서 하루 이틀 꼬박 굶고 물배만 채워 다섯식구 서로 얼굴보고 앉았다 옥순이 둘째 동생 그 어린 것이 한 마리 소가 되어 짚도 풀도 먹고 고구마 덩쿨도 먹을 수만 있다면
– 고은 (한국시인 1933-)
A Starving House This family of five Ok-soon's father Ok-soon's mother Ok Soon-yi Ok-soon's brother Ok-soon's other brother Lacking the strength to have more children, the third is the youngest Hungry Just starve for a day or two Just drink some water This family of five Sat face to face Ok-soon's second brother The little one Could become a cow, eat straw and grass If only one could eat the sweet potato vine
– Ko Un (Korean poet, b. 1933)
This is my own translation, with quite a bit of assistance from my grammar book and google translate and Naver’s online dictionary. I make no claim to professionalism or accuracy. But it is a quite simple poem, so I thought I’d give it a try.
Caveat: Poem #2032 “Release of electrical spirits”
ㅁ The breaker'd waited long enough to let out wisps of smoke; electrons came, electrons went, and in the end it broke.