Day: February 18, 2022
Caveat: Friday Blogroll
Blogs (and blog-like-objects) in my browser right now (in a few very broad categories).
Culture, internet, economics, politics, policy (some of these are hard to put in one category, right?)…
Science, physics, philosophy…
Kind of a blog, but also really a weird, on-line philosophy book thing…
Not really a blog, more of an aggregator for interesting maps…
The dominance of the substack platform in intellectually-inclined blogs (as evidenced above) is become quite disturbing. If this here blog thingy (AKA Caveatdumptruck) ever gets moved to substack, you’ll know I’ve sold my soul to the devil.
Caveat: Poem #2027 “Darn”
ㅁ The tree had done its best to live including growing roots; but then the wind had whipped along and broke its attributes.