Caveat: Tree #559

This tree posed for me in front of some other trees… and the sea.
picture[daily log: walking, 2km; boating, 35km]

Caveat: Fishing Report #(n+8)

We set out fairly early, though not as early as last time. We left the dock at just after 7 AM. Interestingly, Arthur was actually somewhat reluctant to go – I had to convince him that today was a good day to go because of the weather forecast. Arthur was anxious about the freezer problem – we don’t have a “spare” freezer, since we’d taken it to be (hopefully? maybe) repaired on Monday. I only commented, “Too many fish for our freezer is a problem we should be glad to have.”
The sky was blue and cloudless, the water was flat like a mirror – all day, except some bumpiness out at the open ocean.
We went first to San Ignacio, and trolled the east side from north to south. All we found was a single miniscule black bass.
So we pulled in the lines and set out for Siketi. We trolled through the channel there, and a caught a fish right off the reef just west of that channel. It was a medium-sized coho. We kept trolling westward to the east side of Noyes, and down to the opening into the ocean there, and crossed and trolled up the west side of Cone Island – which I don’t recall ever having tried before. We caught nothing and so we crossed back over to where we’d caught the one, and trolled eastward through the same area.
But no more fish. Finally, we decided to stop at around 12:20, and motored back home.
We had the engine-hiccupping problem in Bucareli halfway across – about the 50 minute mark on running the big motor, but the fuel tank was still almost full. The engine hiccupped again halfway up Port Saint Nicholas. It’s a mystery what it is, to both of us. I revved the motor to full throttle for a while, hoping to provoke another hiccup, but no such luck. The problem is completely un-reproducible, which makes it hard to diagnose.
We got home.
Year-to-date totals:

  • Coho: 7
  • Halibut: 1
  • Lingcod: 1

I had started borscht this morning before leaving, so we have some borscht for dinner. Relatedly, after getting back, I found a beet in my garden. I should have checked earlier, it could have gone in the borscht.

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