Caveat: Quechua Trap Saturday - 2020-07-11, 20:09 Wednesday - 2023-03-22 Background Noise / Banalities & Journaling / Found Online “Trap” is a sub-genre of hiphop music. This woman in Peru is making Quechua language trap music. [daily log: walking, 2.5km]
Caveat: Art #76 Saturday - 2020-07-11, 13:59 Wednesday - 2023-03-22 My Drawings & Paintings / Some Daily Art I drew my shoe in 1992.
Caveat: Poem #1441 “Always a bit awkward” Saturday - 2020-07-11, 06:48 Wednesday - 2023-03-22 A Daily Poem / Book 3 / Haikuish Objects / My Poetry & Fiction ㅁ I lay there dreaming... and dreamed I was unconscious, but then I woke up. – a pseudo-haiku.