Caveat: image-shrine by the roadside

A Desolation
Now mind is clear
as a cloudless sky.
Time then to make a
home in wilderness.
What have I done but
wander with my eyes
in the trees? So I
will build: wife,
family, and seek
for neighbors.
Or I
perish of lonesomeness
or want of food or
lightning or the bear
(must tame the hart
and wear the bear).
And maybe make an image
of my wandering, a little
image-shrine by the
roadside to signify
to traveler that I live
here in the wilderness
awake and at home.
- Allen Ginsberg (American poet, 1926-1997)


Caveat: Art #15

This is a drawing of a character in a story I was making, about my imaginary country, Ardesfera. Her name is Victoria Persson, she was a 19th century military persona. I think I drew this about 2 years ago.

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