Caveat: Tree #197

A tree from the archives – the tree is next to a statue of 손병희 [Son Byeong Hui], a famous Korean independence activist. I took the picture in 2009, in downtown Seoul.
[daily log: walking, 1.5km]

Caveat: Sad and Free

I made a decision to not accompany Wayne and Arthur on the planned fishing trip up to Whale Pass. I feel a bit bad about it – like I kind of dumped Arthur on Wayne. But I was just feeling overwhelmed and burned out. I did talk with Wayne some – I said that I think Arthur was being more judgemental with me and less patient in general, during Wayne’s visit – because he feels pressure to be a good “host” and all that BS.
Anyway. I’m sitting alone at the house here at Rockpit, and with no car, either. And they’re off fishing up north.
So I’ll see what happens.

Black Box, “Everybody, Everybody.” This is from 1990, and the origins of the “house” musical genre.

Everybody, everybody
Everybody, everybody
Everybody, everybody
Everybody, everybody
Everybody, everybody
Everybody, everybody
Everybody, everybody
Everybody, everybody
Everybody, everybody
Everybody, everybody
You won’t belong to me, I let you down
I walk around and see your night skyline
I feel the light but you don’t want to stay
So lonely now, just let me off downtown
Sad and free, sad and free
Sad and free, sad and free
When I said, it was over you aimed at my heart
Won’t be long for I’m leavin, all my love
But I’ll feel it forever, no sound’s in my life
You can call that no livin, on my own so free
Everybody, everybody
Everybody, everybody
Everybody, everybody
Everybody, everybody
Everybody, everybody
Everybody, everybody
Everybody, everybody
Everybody, . . .

Caveat: Tree #196

Another difficult day. Sometimes I feel as if Arthur spends half of his time cussing at his frustration with whatever current shortcoming he’s struggling with, and the other half of his time telling me in what way I’m screwing up. And so it goes.
A tree can be seen, reflected in the water at lowish tide, as we prepared to go out fishing in the boat. Arthur didn’t tell Wayne or me about his intentions – we noticed he had the motor running on the boat and was ready to go.
[daily log: walking, 2.5km]

Caveat: Tree #195

Today was a stressful day. It involved going out with two older men in a boat fishing, but neither of those men listen to me or each other. Everyone giving instruction, no one receiving instruction. Well – it was “too many cooks in the kitchen,” but involving navigating a boat in rain and fairly strong winds.
I saw this tree by the pond on a short walk, later.
Other pictures…
Boat window:
The road:
A red-leafed plant:
[daily log: walking, 3km]

Caveat: Tree #194

The specific tree I have in mind here is barely visible, just to the right of the center. It is a single tree on a small island, but with the dark trees of the other island behind it, it is hard to make out. But it’s there – a perfectly cone-shaped xmas tree silhouette.
[daily log: walking, 3km]

Caveat: Tree #193

While out fishing at the northwest tip of Noyes Island, a tree was seen.
[daily log: walking, 2.5km]

Caveat: One king

Wayne, Arthur, and I went out fishing today. It was the longest fishing excursion I’ve been on with Arthur – we left early and got back well after 3 pm. Arthur normally does a half-day excursion, so this was a long day. We could tell he was exhausted.
Arthur managed to catch one king salmon. We were at Ulitka Bay, on the northwest tip of Noyes Island.
There were a lot of boats there: you can see them in this picture.
Here is the fish.
Here is the view from where the fish was caught.
We also got two other smaller fish, sea bass I think. When we got back, we prepared to cut them up. Arthur was grumpy despite having caught a fish, I think because he was tired.
Later, we cooked some of the salmon and ate it.
The rest of the fish was vacuum-packed and put in the freezer.

Caveat: Tree #191

Pick a tree… or a goat (on the beach, you can just make them out, white goats).
[daily log: walking, 2.5km]

Caveat: Tree #189

This tree is more sideways than your average tree. That’s because Richard knocked it down with his excavator.
I believe that Richard opposes trees as a matter of principle. In this way, he is a true Alaskan. But things happen, right? I had given him permission to knock the tree down – it was in the way of some work he’s doing leveling the spot where a future house might go on Lot 73.
[daily log: walking, 2km]

Caveat: Now with more dumptruck!

…This here blog, now with more dumptruck than ever before.
I have been working with Richard while he installs the drain field for the new septic system. I spend a lot of time moving sand and gravel around in a big pit he made with his excavator. I also have developed some small degree of competency with connecting lengths of PVC pipe. Richard drives his dumptruck to fetch more gravel and returns.
Here is progress on the drainfield. It is now buried.

Caveat: Tree #187

I had a very busy day, working with Richard on the new septic system for Lot 73, moving sand around to get it level. I am sore and tired.
Here is a tree from the archives. Jeongbal Hill, near my apartment in Korea, with a magpie looking at a tree.
[daily log: walking, 2.5km]

Caveat: Joe Island

There is a neighbor down the road named Joe. He has been very helpful and friendly with Arthur at various times, and they have gone fishing together in the past. We had given him a standing invitation to come out fishing with us sometime, and finally he did yesterday. We went out early (departing before 7), and we had some luck at Port Estrella, southwest of here. We didn’t catch halibut, and the salmon remain nonexistant (probably due to drought), but we found a lot of bottom fish – rock fish and such. I think they are ugly fish but they make good soup.
Near Port Estrella there is a small island called Joe Island. Joe is of course pleased to have this island named as he is. Here is Joe in front of Joe Island.
Here is a view of Port Estrella as we were heading out again.

Caveat: fallen

Arthur is still capable of humor.
Jared: How are you feeling?
Arthur: I feel like I fell on my head. [Waits for three beats…] Last year.

Caveat: Tree #184

This tree has been here before – but not at 10 PM. The sun sets late this time of year, here.
[daily log: walking, 1.5km]

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