Caveat: Tree #200

Well there is more than one tree here. But as Wayne said as we walked along the road earlier, “You got a lot of Christmas trees around.” It was completely deadpan. But it made me laugh. So pick a tree, that feels salient to you, and that’s your daily tree.
[daily log: walking, 4.5km]

Caveat: No clouds, no wind, no fish, no fun

We went out fishing again today – Wayne, Arthur and I. It was Wayne’s last day here.
Actually it was a bit windy at the south end of San Ignacio – but the fish from yesterday had disappeared. There were quite a few boats around, but no one was catching.
We went over to Caldera Bay to try for halibut, instead. But as I’ve remarked before, Arthur seems to have little patience for halibut fishing. Halibut fishing is unlike fishing for salmon, where you troll with boat at a slow speed and maneuver the downriggers to depths in an effort to convince the fish to try for your hook. In halibut fishing, you just drop your hook and weight and bait to the bottom and wait. And wait.
And wait.
Arthur gets restless with this, after maybe 15 minutes. It can be heartbreakingly amusing in the way that so many ageing-related issues are tragicomic.
Here is a baited halibut hook, with its formerly frozen herring hoping to be a meal.
Here are the fishermen, driving the boat along.

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