Caveat: 총명은 둔필만 못하다

I tried to learn this aphorism from my book of aphorisms.

총명은 둔필만 못하다
chong.myeong.eun mot.ha.da
intelligence-TOPIC poor-handwriting-ONLY unable-do
“Intelligence can’t even do as well as poor handwriting.”

Even if you’re smart, if you don’t take notes or document things well, you won’t get far. This comes down to “diligence is worth more than smarts,” and is thus somewhat similar to those sayings in the vein of “Success is 99% perspiration, 1% inspiration.” I suppose I myself suffer from this shortcoming. I’m bad at taking notes. I am often trying to teach my students to take notes, and realizing how inadequate I am to the task, myself.
[daily log: walking, 6.5km]

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