Caveat: On Holidays and Bridge-days and Disregarding the Government’s Mandated Holidays

Yesterday I had a very strange work schedule, because this week is the giant "Korean Thanksgiving" holiday (추석 [chuseok] harvest festival). In order to maximize teaching time while still providing at least most of the government's mandated days off (which are greater in number this year than in past years), Curt got creative with the schedule. I had a full-on schedule but it started in the morning instead of the afternoon. It was a pretty hard day, but anyway that's why I didn't post to my blog except for my little poem.

Part of why the holiday is longer this year is because Chuseok (which floats dates each year, following the traditional lunar calendar) managed to drop right between two Gregorian-calendar holidays, "Foundation Day" (which is today) and "Hangul Day" which is next Monday. So in theory we have a full seven days off, including bridge days Friday and Saturday. In fact, the schools and government offices were closed yesterday, too, leading to a 10 day holiday with 3 bridge days, but Curt opened yesterday and will open next Monday, too, leaving a 6-day block. 

So here I am at the beginning of my long government-mandated-and-mostly-observed holiday. I have made a strong commitment to not do very much – I did a lot with my personal holiday to Australia a few weeks ago, and so now I'm OK with doing basically nothing. I am not an ambitious person anymore – if ever I was one. 

I will work on my writing, maybe take a few hikes if the weather doesn't get too hot or sunny, maybe do an in-depth cleaning of my apartment (the dust on the bookshelves is embarrassingly deep). 

[daily log: walking, 2km]

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