Caveat: Mexica Tiahui, Defrosted

This will possibly be my last post “by computer” (as opposed to using my smartphone) for quite some time.
I intended to take a walk, and somehow found myself cleaning my fridge instead. A certain compulsity is as work, right now, and I’m giving some free rein, but it’s strange to watch. The thing that’s odd is that normally cleaning a fridge is one of the most distasteful chores imaginable, for me, but I was thoroughly enjoying myself. I think I’m craving banality. Listening to music and scraping the layers of accumulated frost out of my freezer – an apt metaphor for my moment in life.

There’s nothing like some hardcore Chicano rap music to spice up a rainy afternoon and distract a troubled soul.
What I’m listening to right now.

El Vuh, “Mexica Tiahui.”
I couldn’t find the lyrics to this track published online anywhere.

I’m off. I’m going to walk there.

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