Caveat: Check-in 6:30 PM

I got the call. The poor man. I answer my phone in English, nowadays, to establish at the outset that I’m a foreigner, because if I answer in Korean people just plow into mile-a-minute Korean that is beyond my comprehension. So, I answered in English.
Long silence. “Uh. Cancer Center. Me.”
“Yes,” I said.
Long silence. “Korean do you know?”
“조금 밖에 몰라요.” This is my standard answer to that question – it means “I only know a little bit.”
Sigh of relief. Then launching into rapid Korean. I asked him to slow down. Finally I heard the time, and recognized “check-in.” I confirmed it back to him, first in English then Korean. He said “Yes, 6 30.”
So now the waiting shifts to being ready. I’m already packed – not much to pack, a change of clothes, laptop computer, 2 books plus notebook, some toiletries. I guess if I need something else I can have a friend fetch it from my apartment later.
I think I’ll make a few blog posts and surf the internet and meditate and walk in the rain.
I found a comic circulating online that I really liked. It made me laugh.
It’s attributed to an artist named *Inkless-Pencil. I looked at her other stuff and found this, too, that was very funny.

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