Caveat: 안뒤면 조상의 탓

안뒤면         조상의        탓

not-become-IF ancestor-GEN blame

If it doesn’t work out, [it’s] the fault of an ancestor.

So we blame others if things don’t work out. Who isn’t guilty of that? This wasn’t too difficult to figure out.

pictureWhile out yesterday, I got a new book, so I now have a functionally infinite supply of proverbs to attempt to comprehend. This is much easier than trying to find things on the interwebs that I could try to figure out – most online compilations of proverbs that I’ve found are fairly limited, although I admit my ability to search for such compilations in Korean is limited.

The book is a 2012 reprint of a 1970 re-issue of a 1958 publication, so it’s definitely “old school.” The title is Maxims and Proverbs of Old Korea, by Tae Hung Ha.

Here is another picture from yesterday – I like taking pictures of the paintings to be found on the outsides of temples.


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Caveat: Paper Lanterns

I went to Seoul today and walked a lot. I met a friend who hadn’t ever been to Seoul and showed Seoul the way I would show it – by walking across it. We walked from Gangnam in the south, across the river, through Itaewon up to the top of Namsan, then down into downtown and around downtown.

I’ll post more about it later.

Meanwhile, it was Buddha’s Birthday, today, so I took some pictures here and there.


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