Caveat: Nurungji Halo

I’ve taken to eating Nurungji [누룽지] (Korean burnt-rice porridge, sorta) for breakfast. They sell instant burnt-rice. It’s kind of funny if you think about it – the things that become comfort foods in different cultures. Nurungji is the crust at the bottom of the rice pot. If you add boiling water and scrape around at it, you get a sort of weird porridge. Then they make that into an “instant, just-add-water” product.

I’ve blogged about it before. I’m  getting repetitive – perhaps that’s inevitable.

What I’m listening to right now.

Depeche Mode, “Halo.” I remember listening to this song on my Walkman (yes, with a cassette), sitting in the woods on the hill at Camp Edwards (금촌), trying to avoid barracks clean-up detail, in 1991.

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Caveat: 두 손뼉이 맞아야 소리가 난다

picture두 손뼉이맞아야 소리가 난다
two palm-SUBJ meet-IN-ORDER-THAT sound-SUBJ is-produced-PRES
Two palms must meet in order for sound to be produced.
“It takes two to tango.” This proverb is kind of an inversion of the famous Zen koan about the sound of one hand clapping. It answers, and says: c’mon, get real.

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