I have a 2nd grade student, Jeong-seok, who wrote an essay. His little essay was posted on the school's web forum, and my co-worker sent me a copy. It's flattering, and my heart is touched. I feel proud to be mentioned in a 2nd grader's essay in such a positive way.
영어수업을 할 때 게임을 했다. 동그라미모양종이에 자기가 하고 싶은 동전 숫자를 적으면 그걸 원어민 선생님인 제럴드선생님에게 드리고 진짜동전처럼 생긴 동전을 한국 선생님께 드리면 스티커를 받는다. 10개를 넘게 받은 친구들도 있었는데 나는 5개를 받았다. 나는 10개 보다 많이 받은 친구가 너~무~부러웠다 나는 스티커를 안내장 넣는 파일에 붙였다. 영어가 재미있게 되고 있으니 눈에 빨리 빨리 들어 오는 것 같기도 하였다. 방과후영어도 정말 재미있게 했다.
I guess that makes a good day.
[Comment added later: Some have requested a translation. My Korean isn't so good as to offer a translation. Google's translate-o-matic makes gobbledy-gook of it, which is about what I would do. I just kind of scan it and get the gist of it, knowing that it's positive. Here's the result of plugging into google (with a few minor but obvious glaring corrections): "When teaching English game. A circle on the paper and he'll put the number of coins you want it wiht a native speaker teacher, Jereot teacher, if it looks like a real coin coin Korea figure, the teacher gives a sticker. I have friends who were over 10 coins received five. I received more than 10, friends envied ~ Foreign ~ the invitation I put stickers attached to the file. English is fun may just be coming in soon, so eyes were fast. School English and was really fun."]
You need to translate it for us!