Ta-Nehisi Coates of The Atlantic is talking about the bizarrely numerous people who still celebrate the Confederacy in the contemporary South. He writes, “I think we need to be absolutely clear that 150 years after the defeat of one of the Confederacy, there are still creationists who seek to celebrate the treasonous attempt to raise an entire country based on the ownership of people.” He quotes at length from the incriminating document the founders of the Confederacy used to found their secession. My addendum: these “creationists” that Coates makes reference to are the same demographic who have allowed the Republican Party to conquer the South over the last several decades. Their most recent incarnation seems to be deeply entagled with the Tea Party movement and the Palinists (Paleoists?). This is the ultimate proof of the moral bankruptcy of the Republican Party.
Day: November 29, 2010
Caveat: Passing Notes – 메롱x3
Kids pass notes. I’m fascinated to see the contents of such notes, when I occasionally run across discarded scraps of paper in my classroom. Mostly, it’s because it can help me to learn snippets of colloquial Korean. The note pictured at left helped me to do that – my student Wendy uses the phrase “뭔소리?” (mweon-so-ri = what noise = wtf?) at the bottom of the paper. I successfully used this phrase to make my coteacher laugh only 30 minutes later.
But, as an English teacher, I was also amazingly gratified to find that the two third-graders in dialogue in this note were happily trading insults in English, too! The words “me lung,” by the way, represent Mihoe’s effort to romanize “메롱” (me-rong = nyah nyah).