I learned, in an email from my father, that my cat (well, ex-cat? ex mine, anyway) was put down. She was 15 years old, and had been sick for a long time.
Bernie was a good cat. We got her as a tiny kitten in February, 1995, in St Paul, Minnesota. Here is a picture of her, from 1997, in Lansdale, Pennsylvania, where Michelle and I lived at that time. She was a well-traveled cat, having lived in 5 states and driven across parts of the country at least twice.
I get to harbor guilt feelings about this death, too. People and animals, whom I leave behind, and then they die. Michelle and Bernie had a link – I would call it a “dysfunctional relationship with Jared” link. So it’s a fitting time for Bernie to go, I suppose – today is very close to the exact 10-year anniversary of Michelle’s suicide.
Another awesome pic, from a drive across Texas/New Mexico in 2007. Note that she was a very good “car cat” – she would just sit and look out the windows for hours on end.
Hey. My name is Katie, and I am a friend of your brother and dad. I have been around lately and I got to know Bernie before she died. I bathed her a couple of times to help her fur stay unmatted, I helped take care of her after she got into a fight with another cat in June, and I sometimes helped her get her meds down when she was having trouble eating. I loved coming over and visiting with her, especially since she would always sit on my lap, purring and drooling. Feeding her raw meat was always awesome to watch because she would push the other cats out of the way for it and get feisty. She was indeed a good cat, and you have no need to feel guilty about her death. She was well loved. By you, from afar, and by me, Andrew, and your dad.
Btw, here are some pictures that I took of Bernie:
I hope you enjoy them.