My friend taught me this proverb yesterday, as we were discussing the habit of procrastination.
우선 먹기는 곶감이 달다
precedence eat-GER-TOPIC dried-persimmon-SUBJ be-sweet
[When] eaten first, the persimmons are sweet.
One place I found this translated, it was given as equivalent to the old English proverb, “Please your eye and plague your heart.” It seems to be about doing the easy stuff first.
I don’t actually like dried persimmons (or even fresh ones) all that much. So maybe this particular proverb doesn’t work for me.
I have been very tired lately. I think we all know why. I barely survived 2 hours at work today before I gave up and stumbled home. Helen asked me why I’m even coming; I said I need the structure and focus. It gives me a sense of purpose and is a bit of a distraction from this business of just being sick.